Chapter 25

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Inna's death had really affected Ameerah, she seldom talked to anyone. It's been 40 days since Inna's passing. Ameerah was always in her room demanding to be left alone anytime anyone came to see her. She was still in kano. When Abdul's family came to sympathize with them, everyone thought she was returning home with them. Abdul convinced them to let her stay, he knew she needed that space more than anything else. Within the last 40 days, Abdul only got to speak with her once. It was like inna's death had reopened all of her old wounds.

Sometimes, you would hear sobs from her room at night, she missed Inna so much. She was one of the few people that understood her. And again Abdallah- she missed him also, she didn't know whether it was the right thing to do as a married woman.
She always made Dua for them whenever she prayed.

" Adda, ya Abdul is here to see you" haneefa announced as soon as she entered the room. She knew he had arrived since the previous day.

" Okay" she answered with a Curt nod.

She wore a long hijab over her dress and walked out. He was seated in the sitting room, she noticed he had lost weight, but he was still looking as handsome as ever. She hated herself for still loving him, he had caused her so much pain.

"How are you?" He asked with so much emotions held back. He knew he had hurt her, why couldn't he believe her then.

" Alhamdulillah" she replied shortly.

" Habeeb and ifra miss you a lot" he added, she only smiled and said nothing.

" I want a divorce Abdul" she said almost inaudibly.

"What?"  His world just shattered right before him. Why would she want to divorce him. He knew he had caused her pain, but he was ready to mend her broken pieces. How could she do this to him.

" Okay" he said calmly.

" I know it's me you don't want to have anything to do with. But what about habeeb? what explanation would I give to ifra ?" He paused to look at her.
She also thought about them, how broken the kids would be. She had also grown so attached to them.

" I have an offer for you–" She lifted her head to look at him directly. " I won't divorce you, rather we would be separated and you'll live in my house. That way you can look after the children and still have your freedom."

" What do you say?" He asked after her long silence. She looked up again " I'll have to think about it, Good day" She made her way to the stairs.

She was cold, heartbroken and indifferent towards him. What could have changed in their relationship. He had no right to even ask why, he had broken her beyond repair. But he would still try, he would try to have his old Ameerah back.

The one that would wake up very early to prepare breakfast for everyone. The Ameerah that took his children as her's from day one. The one who fought Yusuf all alone, preventing his Maa and habeeb from getting hurt. The one that kept everything to herself, The Ameerah that goes red at any cheesy comment from him. The caring, sweet, smiling Ameerah.

He bade farewell to Ameerah's parents and left for Abuja heartbroken. He immediately went to sleep as soon as he reached home. He didn't even want to speak to any one. The kids were still staying in Maa's apartment. They always asked him to bring their mammy home.

"Come in" Ameerah replied to the mild knock on her door.

"Mama" Ameerah voiced looking at her mom who came in holding a small tray. She kept the tray on the small table beside Ameerah's bed and sat next to Ameerah, who was seated on her bed

" My child, why didn't you go back with Abdul today?"  Ameerah kept quiet trying to find the best excuse to give her mom.

" Nothing, I still want to stay here a bit"

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