Chapter 17

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“Guy, I love my wife and I don't know how to tell her. I didn't know confessing your feelings to someone could be this difficult, this got me asking myself whether I really loved Fatima or it was just an infatuation” Abdul azeez complained to his friend Usman for the third time since he arrived at his office. After their(Ameerah and Abdulazeez) conversation about Azeezah, Abdulazeez couldn't keep his feelings at bay, he had loved Ameerah since the day he met her and now he just didn't know how to tell her, he knew she doesn't love him but he was sure he would teach her how to.

“Man, you never really loved Fatima, I had always told you, she was the one following you about and that's why you accepted” Usman replied leaning into the chair.

“ Yeah, I know, but I would have married her if she loved my kids, but she didn't. Every time I talk about the  kids her mood changes instantly. Even when I was getting married I informed her and she sounded less concerned” Abdul said

“Hmm, you don't know ladies, that's how they are. She would sound as if she doesn't care but deep down, the thing is eating her up. Quit thinking about Fatima since you are a married man now.” Usman said.
“ You opened up to her a month ago, you told her about Azeezah, something only a few people knew. So you can do this too.” Usman added.

“ That reminds me, has Sabira finally agreed? You can't remain single and be waiting for my sister, you're getting to thirty, man” Abdul asked
“ Sorry to say, your sister is the most confusing person I've ever met, this minute she's like we are dating and the next she acts as if she doesn't even know me. I'm sure she has another boyfriend.”

“ No I don't think Sabira has a boyfriend, if she had I would have known, she tells me everything.” Abdul said glancing at his wristwatch.
“ I have to run home now, I've got responsibilities, my family is waiting” Abdul added picking up his briefcase.
“ Heyy, don't rub it on my face that I'm still a bachelor, I would have been married long before you, if your sister had agreed” Usman said jokingly

“ ohh really, but then I would help you speak to her about it but don't you dare break my sister's heart, she's as dear to me as Aliyah.” Abdul said wearing a serious look.

“ I won't, cross my heart and hope to die” Usman said laughing.

Ameerah just finished cooking lunch, so she went upstairs to freshen up before she goes to pick up the kids from school. She dressed up in a purple Abaya, tied her hair in a bun and pinned her hijab before picking her silver flats and clutch. Checking her self in her full length mirror, she smiled, satisfied with the way she looked. She headed downstairs to pick the car keys. She stopped at Maa's apartment to say hello before heading out. Maa really likes her,she even complemented her dress and all the while Sabira was furiously tapping on her phone and sending her glares.

She arrived at the school five minutes after the closing time, she made sure she picked her kids early since she had nothing to do, just cleaning which Maa always sends a maid to do, cooking and picking up the kids. She really missed her work, she was going to brace up and ask Abdulazeez to allow her work, even if it is in his NGO, but she didn't want him thinking she wants to take hafsa's place.

She alighted the car and walked into the school,amongst the numerous students playing in the school playground, her eyes scanned for her two priceless jewels. Just then she felt two loads crash at her feet, squealing “ mammy, mammy you're late” coming down to their level, she said “ I'm sorry babies, mammy was held up by the traffic”. The kids looked at each other with habeeb whispering something at ifra's ear and both of them frowned. She knew they were going to throw tantrums “ I said am sorry and it's just five minutes” she said giving them her best puppy look. Habeeb signaled her to come closer as if he was trying to tell her something in her ears, as she moved closer the two children kissed her on both sides of the cheek, she also kissed each of them muttering a thank you, that meant they had forgiven her.

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