Chapter 28

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Weeks have passed and habeeb has started getting inclined to Humaira with each passing day.

The thought of losing habeeb and her family keeps lingering in Ameerah's mind. On days Humaira doesn't come to their house, habeeb would pester his dad to call her. Sometimes she picks them from school without informing Ameerah. The whole thing is taking a toll on Ameerah's health, she has been having sleepless nights.

She decided it was high time she stopped all this drama, she was ready to tell Abdul that she had forgiven him and she doesn't want to leave anymore.

It was some minutes past two, she had two more hours until she picked the kids. And then Abdul would be back by 6pm.

A thought ran through her mind, she wanted to apologize to Abdul for all the time she stayed away from him.

She started making preparation for a candle lit dinner, she wanted to spend time with Abdul alone. The kids would probably sleep at Maa's today. She quickly called her maid to help her with some chores.

When they were done, she went to her room to get ready to pick up the kids as it was 30 minutes to their closing time, she knew she would get there on time because the school was only 20 minutes drive from the house.

As soon as she reached the school, Ameerah checked her watch to see whether she was late or not. She was just 10 mins late because of the hold up. She parked here car at the parking lot and went inside to sign and pick up the kids.

Habeeb's class teacher exchanged pleasantries with her and then when Ameerah asked her where habeeb was because she obviously didn't see him in the class.

" His dad and another woman who he claimed to be their mom came to pick him. The woman signed here" The teacher said showing the signing book to Ameerah where she saw Humaira's name written there.

" Ohh okay" she said with a small smile.

She couldn't let the teacher know her house was falling apart, infact her whole life was falling apart. Habeeb had finally accepted Humaira, that meant she was going to leave Abdul very soon. She cleared her head and smiled a little remembering the romantic night she had planned for them both.

She knew Abdul still loved her and she would make sure she gets her husband and kids back.

Ameerah quickly drove home after stopping by at a shop to get all she needed to decorate their room. She got home and was surprised to find out that Abdul and the kids hadn't gotten home yet.

"They might have probably been stuck in traffic" She thought.

She changed into a comfy gown and started decorating the room. She set up the scenting candles and sprinkled the rose petals all around the room. She also hung some heart shaped dim-lamps by their bed and then she switched on the electric incense burner after infusing a combo Wisteria and Jasmina Incense adding a romantic fragrance to the romantic atmosphere in the room.

She proceeded to draw a big heart on their bed with the rose petals, adding their initials inside with a few rose petals. After that she blew up red balloons that had the letter "love" spelt by them and hung it close to their window. Lastly, she kept a vase containing seven roses beside their headrest.

She looked at the room to check whether anything was left out and then she picked up a Red gown from her box. Sa'ada had gifted her the gown, she remembered how the girls teased her and asked her to wear it on their wedding night. She had a huge smile on her face, it might have taken her to months to finally fall in love with Abdul but the wait was worth it. She was certain that he was the only man that made her feel that way. She knew for a fact that she was head over heels for him.

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