Chapter 9

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Ameerah had already spent one week and some days at her uncle's house. They were really becoming close friends with Fuad, Fuad had succeeded in making her open up to him, though he knew there was still something she was hiding, but he didn't want to pressure her into telling him anything, she would tell him when the right time comes. He always wonders why she flinches at his gaze, has nyctophobia , being reserved, he couldn't place those things, but he hoped she would one day tell him what has being bothering her.

"Abdul azeez, wai Yaushe zaka Yi aure ne, these children need a mother for God's sake" His grandmother complained.

"Hajiya, I don't want to get married please, my children are okay for me to live the rest of my life" Abdul azeez said.

"Ni kam, I won't see you waste your life this way, you are 30 and you are young, habeeb and ifra need a mother, think about these children, they lost their mother two years ago. I know you have been a very good father to them but still they need a mother figure, you need a wife. You can't work for several hours at the office then come home, cook for your kids, do their homework and tuck them to bed. You don't even allow the maid to do anything for them." Hajiya Complained.

"Hajiya, I'm not complaining, I'm completely okay doing those things for my kids. Remember I promised their mother that they won't lack anything, I'll be both their mother and father." Abdul azeez tried to reason with Hajiya.

"Abdul, then you have not fulfilled your promise to hafsah, because they are sure lacking something, something you can't give them, something we can't give them, they need a mother's love, they need a mother figure, they need a mother's care. When would you understand that Abdul, nobody in this house can give them that" Hajiya said again.

"Hajiya, you are here, there's mama, aliya and Sabira, four women in this house, you all can take care of them, they don't need an outsider. Ya zaynab and ya firdausi are there, when I travel I can take them to either of their houses, it's just a walk away" Abdul azeez explained.

"Okay since you want to prove stubborn but I bet you that none of those people you mentioned can take care of them except your wife." Hajiya finished and started making her way to the door. Just then Habeeb and ifra ran into the room

"Dadu Dadu, we want indomie we are hungry and aunty aliyah said she's busy" Habeeb said holding his little sister's hand.

"Children, what do you say when you come into a room" Abdul azeez asked.
"Salamu Alaykum, Good afternoon dada and good afternoon hajiya" Habeeb and ifra said in unison.

"Okay, good children let's go make indomie" he said shutting down the laptop.

"Yayy, dadu is beshhtt" The children jumped and squealed happily.

As soon as they arrived at the kitchen, habeeb climbed on the kitchen island sticking out his tongue to his sister and the poor girl started crying.

"Dadu shamaa shamaa (sama)!!! "signifying up with her hand.

"Habeeb, haven't I said you should stop troubling your sister, remember you are her strength, you should always protect her, you are ifra's brother" Abdul azeez said trying to push the thoughts of their mother from his mind also picking ifra and dropping her on the kitchen island.

"Dadu, when is our own mammy coming back, you said she's in a far and better place?" Habeeb asked playing with ifra's Little Pony tail.

"Did you pray for her today?"

"Yes Dadu, but get us a new mummy please " The poor boy said with pleading eyes.

You have me, Hajiya, grandma, aunt aliyah and aunt Sabira, we are all here for you" Abdulazeez said putting a tablespoon of oil into the indomie.

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