Chapter 12

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Salam dear readers, how are you all ?

The days were coming closer and Ameerah kept dreading the day they would tell her she's married. Though she had always kept a blank expression, the three people now her roommates never ceased to tease her about how she would change after marriage, she didn't see that coming, never like never would she be comfortable living with the opposite sex 'her so called husband' in the same house.

“A penny for your thoughts” Rukky(Ameerah's maternal cousin) snapped her fingers across Ameerah's face.

“Thinking about your prince charming hey?” Sa'ada said with a smirk on her face, while they clapped hands with Aisha.

“Looks like my besty is abandoning me for my over bubbly cousin” Ameerah said ignoring their questioning looks.

The four of them had become great friends in the span of two weeks, Rukky arrived a day after Sa'ada came, though they were cousins, Ameerah didn't talk to her most times and never visited. But look at it, the girl came all the way from kebbi to attend her wedding. Rukky was reserved and not bubbly like Sa'ada and ''the now bubbly aisha''. There were so many rooms in the house but no they wouldn't budge, they rather sleep in the same room with Ameerah and blabber her ears off. On days Ameerah and Rukky went to bed early, the love birds would wake them up with giggles, each holding the phone closely as if their life depended on it.

“ whatever” Aisha said without sparing Ameerah a look.

“Hmmp” Ameerah sighed out loud.

“So this wedding is really happening and you aren't doing anything about it”  Sabira said with a tear threatening to fall from her eyes.

“Sab, there's nothing I or anyone can do, this is all qadr, it was destined to happen this way, hakuri zakiyi, and moreover you have usman who's craving for your attention, so why waste your time on my brother who knows nothing about the feelings you have for him. You have your whole life ahead of you, don't let this bring you down” Aliyah said holding her cousin's hand and trying to comfort her.

“No, don't give me a lecture, if there's nothing you can do, then there sure is something I can do” Sabira said yanking her hands away from Aliyah's.

“Don't do something stupid sab, don't let your one sided love blind you into doing something that's not right, don't do something you would regret later” Aliyah said standing up to go to the bathroom.

“You would support your sister in law definitely, because I was never your friend, I was just a lower class cousin staying in your father's house all through my childhood” Sabira shouted at Aliyah

Aliyah could swear she saw fire in her cousin's eyes, she said those hurtful things not minding how she would feel. She just let her be, she needed space and Aliyah was sure her friend would come around.


“Salam alaykum” Ameerah greeted as she entered the kitchen, she was met by different faces smiling at her.

“My dear what's wrong? Why are you out here to the kitchen, you should have have called Tani or haneefa if you wanted something” Mama said holding her hand.

“No, nothing mama, so I can't come to the kitchen again, I came to ask for your permission, mama please I'm Soo bored and moreover my chocolate is finished, can I go to the super Mart and stock up”. Ameerah said giving her mother her best puppy look.

“Ameerah, you know you aren't meant to be seen outside, it's five days to your wedding, and I have been having a negative feeling since this morning please don't go” Mama said pleadingly.

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