Chapter 5

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Chapter dedicated to z_diae for being first to comment and vote.  Thanks darl❤

“Salamu Alaykum” Ameerah announced her presence at Aisha's house. Aisha's house was a medium sized duplex with 4 rooms ensuite, a sitting room, a kitchen and a small parking lot.

“wa alaykis Salam, Ahh welcome my dear” umma,  Aisha's mum said, welcoming Ameerah in.

“Good evening Umma. How are you?"
“ I'm fine My dear, how's your mum?" Umma answered, inquiring about Ameerah's mum.

" She's fine. Where's Ibrahim and safna”Ameerah asked after Aisha's two younger siblings. Ibrahim was the twins' age mate and he was studying medicine in BUK, while Safna was 15 years old currently in SS2.

“Ibrahim is at school, he said they have a tutorial while Safna is in the room with your friend.” Umma replied.

“They are all fine, Alhamdulillah, lemme join them in the room” Ameerah said.

Umma knew too well that ameerah didn't like to talk, so she didn't start a conversation with her, she just said “ when you get to the room send Safna to me”.

“Okay Umma” she said simply and walked to her friend's room.

Aisha's room was a simple one, it had a simple plain grey color paint and the bed was a medium size and everything was kept in its place. Neat and clean.

“Salam Alaykum” Aisha announced her presence to the two sisters seated on the bed gisting about  things she didn't know, they looked so beautiful together

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“Salam Alaykum” Aisha announced her presence to the two sisters seated on the bed gisting about  things she didn't know, they looked so beautiful together.

Ohh how unfair she was treating haneefa, she doesn't even have a 10 minutes convo with her before she gets tired, and haneefa always wanted her big sister close to her. She yearns for her sister's love, she yearns to have sisterly conversation with her sister. She wanted those late night home cinema moments with her sister badly but the poor girl got none and she's already used to it.

“Wa alaykis Salam” the two sisters answered in unison.

“Adda meerah, good evening. How's everyone at home?” Safna asked getting up and giving ameerah a hug while Aisha gave her friend a smile.

“They are all fine Safna, how's school?"

" Fine, Alhamdulillah!" Safna replied.

" Umma requires you're attention” Ameerah said sitting on the bed.

“Okay, lemme leave you two, Yaya (sister) we would continue later” she said shutting the door behind her.

“Girlfriend! How are you?” Aisha asked looking at her friend.

“What do I offer you, coke, yoghurt, Ribena or five alive” Aisha asked again opening the door to her small refrigerator, by a corner in the room.

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