Chapter 16

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It's been a week since Abdulazeez asked her about Abdallah. She has been avoiding Abdulazeez ever since, she wakes up very early, prepares his breakfast and stays in her room until he leaves for work.

After finishing all her chores, she sat in the sitting room watching TV with her children.
“ Mammy, when are we going to the playground?” Habeeb asked. “ Later in the evening, habibi” Ameerah answered. Just then Sabira barged in, Ameerah welcomed her with a smile, which she didn't even care to return . Being a good host, Ameerah served her some refreshment and took a seat opposite her.  Ameerah wanted to start a conversation but Sabira looked less interested, so she continued watching the TV and glancing at Sabira at intervals. The kids exchanged pleasantries with her and turned their attention back to the TV

“ Where's ya Abdul” Sabira asked. “ He's not back yet” Ameerah answered.
“ Aunty S, what did you bring for me” habeeb asked as soon as the episode they were watching ended. “Two candies, one for you and one for my baby” she said prying ifra from Ameerah's grip with a smirk.
“ No, aunty S, mammy said I shouldn't have candy today, my tooth would fall off” habeeb said to which he earned a smile from Ameerah.
“ Nothing would happen to your tooth, some people just like depriving you of somethings” Sabira said throwing Ameerah a dirty look. “ Let me have the candies, I'll give them at the right time, thank you” Ameerah interjected.

“ You don't need to tell me what to give my nephew and what not to give him, I've known him since he was born while you have only known him for a month so please we are family and we don't need an outsider like you meddling in our matters” Sabira said eyeing Ameerah. Ameerah just smiled and said “ You would agree with me that a mother knows best what her kids need and what they don't, but I don't expect you to understand this. Wait until you get married, but for now you could learn from me”
Sabira really got angry at Ameerah's statement, if not for Ameerah, she would have been the one to get married to Abdulazeez. She hissed and stormed out of the house.
“ Habibi, you can have your candies later, for now enjoy your cartoon”  Ameerah said as she placed the candies on the dining table.

Ameerah was about to go upstairs as she finished serving the kids and Abdulazeez when he said  “Ameerah, aren't you going to eat”
“ I've had my dinner already” she answered.
“ okay sit with us, I'm tired of you playing this hide and seek" he said. She answered with an okay and sat next to him.
“ Eat” he ordered in a tone of finality and she had no choice but to obey. He knew she hadn't eaten.
They ate in a peaceful silence and Ameerah packed up the plates to kitchen when they were done. She gave the kids a bubble bath and wore their pajama for them, then  blew some Duas over them, switched off their lights and proceeded to her room. She also had a shower and changed into her night gown which was a little below her knees. She couldn't find her phone. She thought she left it in the kids room, so she went back to check and still she couldn't find it. Just then she remembered she had left it on the dining table. Feeling tired she strolled downstairs to pick her phone. The sitting room was dark, not wanting to switch on the lights, she tiptoed to the dining room and picked her phone from the table. As she was about to turn and head upstairs she bumped into a hard figure that stood over her head. Her heart raced and she stood still,Just then she heard a familiar ringtone.

“ Why are you calling me when you're right in front of me” Abdulazeez asked flashing his phone's flashlight in her face. “ I didn't know you were the one, I couldn't see your face so I thought a burglar broke in” she explained.
“ You're very smart, you weren't panicking and I didn't even see you dialing my number” He said walking into the sitting room to switch on the lights. “ Well, my hands were at my back and your number is already on my speed dial” she explained. “ Masha Allah, you should always wear these” He murmured looking at her. “ uhmm... I should get going, good night” she said heading to the stairs. “ No wait”  he said holding her by her wrist, she turned to look at him. He immediately let go of her, and surprising even herself, she didn't flinch instead she felt protected by the mere gesture of him holding her hand.

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