Chapter 11

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They say time really goes by very fast. It was two week to Ameerah's so called wedding. She didn't even know anything about the person she was going to get married to. Mama tried showing her a picture but she didn't feel like seeing what he looked like. He could look like a monkey and she couldn't care less.

Ameerah agreed to marry Abdul azeez the day after her parents came to talk to her , everybody was surprised at her decision, most especially her siblings. Granny had been so overjoyed that she called her friend immediately to give her the good news and the wedding date was set.

Aisha had visited when she kept calling Ameerah for days with no reply. Mama informed her about Ameerah's wedding. She really sympathized with her but Ameerah didn't look bothered at all, she was herself, with no emotions whatsoever. She kept on telling Aisha that she was fine and she's okay with the wedding, They made small talk before Aisha decided it was time to go. Aisha kept wondering why Ameerah just agreed to the wedding.

Only Ameerah knew why she was doing it. She was doing it for those kids that called her two days after she gave her consent for the wedding telling her how much they are happy to have their mammy, and from that day they call her everyday when they are back from school and even her little girl blabbers happily though incoherently. Today was no exception, her little babies called her immediately they came back from school not allowing the maid take off their uniforms.

"Mammy when are you coming?" habeeb asked.

"Very soon darling" she answered, she had taken a liking to her two kids since the day they called her. She wondered how they got her digits and whose phone they were using. She later got to know that their dad was there and they kept bugging their great grandma to call their mammy.

Though she didn't know what her two kids looked like but she had done a little shopping for them because from the calls she could figure out what they liked, "The whole idea of being a mother of two at this age doesn't seem a bad one" she thought to her self while her two year old princess kept blabbing. They said their goodbyes and Ameerah continued her work at the office.


"Our mammy is coming very soon, our mammy is coming very soon" Habeeb kept singing through the walls of the house disturbing everybody's ear and moreso irritating Sabira.

Sabira had been so angry and irritated by everything going on in the house. Ever since Ameerah had agreed to marrying Abdul azeez, everyone has been overjoyed well except Sabira who gets irritated at every mention of Ameerah marrying Abdul azeez.
Wedding preparations had kicked off at the Muhammad Nasir house, all the members of the family had arrived in kano for the wedding, except their mom and granny who stayed back in Abuja to make the preparation for Ameerah's welcome dinner. Abdul azeez's mom and grandma were so happy, happy was an understatement, they were elated about the wedding.

Their son would finally settle down and the kids would have a good mother. In short, everyone was happy, visitors had started arriving and Abdul azeez's sisters were to take the lefe today.

Abdul azeez's sisters(ya zaynab, ya firdausi and Aliyah) and a few aunties made their way to Ameerah's house. Well not forgetting Sabira who gets irritated at the mention of Ameerah .

They arrived at Ameerah's house where they received a warm welcome from Ameerah's family and some of her mom's friends, they stayed for a while and were set to go after asr prayers.

" Ameerah's mom is so warm, I'm sure the girl(Ameerah) would be nice too" Ya zaynab said on their way home.

"Uhmm, Hajiya vouched for her and I've heard her speak to habeeb and ifra. She's nice and they are already used to her" Ya firdausi said taking the left turn that lead them to their residence at kabuga.

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