Chapter 19

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Abdul patiently waited for Ameerah's plane to arrive, he had missed them so much. After about half hour of waiting, Ameerah retrieved their luggage from the baggage retrieval area and walked through the arrival gates with her eyes scanning for abdul. She found him-They gazed at each other for some minutes, until habeeb sighted his dadu and ran to give him a big hug. Ifra also stretched forth her hands in a bid to get a hug from dadu. He hugged ifra too before proceeding to hug Ameerah, to which she gladly returned enjoying every warmth of it.

" Let's get going" Ameerah said breaking the hug while he replied with a small " Yeah," wheeling their trolleys to the parking lot.

" How is Mama and Abba?" Abdul asked with his eyes fixed on the road.

" They are well, they send their regards" Ameerah answered glancing at him.

" And Aisha... When is she coming to Abuja?" He questioned again.

" On Saturday In sha Allah" she answered.
He just hummed and no one said anything until they got home.
He parked the car at the drive way and they both alighted. Ameerah carried ifra and her duffel bag while habeeb and Abdul wheeled in the trolleys.

Ameerah's nose was hit with the scent of sandalwood as soon as she opened the door. The house was sparkling clean, she looked around and everything was at the right place.
She turned and gave Abdul a mirthful smile, he had arranged the whole house all by himself.

" Go freshen up, I'll take care of this little man so long" He said giving habeeb's shoulder a gentle tap. She nodded taking ifra with her.

She gave ifra a warm bath and wore her some comfy clothes before proceeding to have her bath. She quickly dressed up in a purple and pink bou bou and wrapped her hair with a pink veil.

"Mammy ishh beautiful" Ifra said grinning as Ameerah picked her up from the bed.

" Thank you habeebti, ifra ishh beautiful too" Ameerah replied tickling her while she only kept giggling.

Ameerah came downstairs and met Abdul setting the table.

" Did you cook?" Ameerah asked clearly surprised

" What did you think?"
" I would allow my wife who has just come home from a journey to cook" He replied pulling out a chair for her to seat

" Awwn that's nice, so what do we have here?" she said trying to open the dishes, She was actually famished.

" Well I cooked all of my wife's favorite dishes... Umm... We have chicken biryani, shepherd's pie, money bags and..." He paused and hurried to the kitchen while Ameerah kept looking at him in astonishment.

" A welcome home cake for My other half" He said walking into the dinning section holding a cake. It was an Oreo cheese cake.

" Masha Allah, you did all this for me?" She asked smiling.

" Only you babe" he replied, she got up and gave him a bone crushing hug with a muffled ' thank you' in between.

" Can we start eating please. I'm so hungry" Habeeb said, and that was when they remembered their kids were there.

" Umm... Yes... Lemme serve you guys" Ameerah said.
They all ate quietly and immediately after that the kids feel asleep. while Ameerah and Abdul went to say hello to Maa. He informed her that Abba was in town.
On getting to the apartment, Maa and Abba were seated watching news while hajiya sat by the dinning talking to one of the maids. Ameerah exchanged pleasantries with everyone, they were all happy to see her. Ameerah had been in the apartment for about half an hour but hadn't seen Sabira anywhere.

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