Chapter 18

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Ameerah's mind kept drifting back to what Sabira told her. She almost refused to go to kano, but it was Aisha's wedding. She had to be there for her. Abdul dropped them off at the airport and waited until their flight took off before going back home. He had already started missing Ameerah's presence, the house was so quiet though everything was neatly placed in the right place.
He quickly went upstairs to shower, changed into a long black throbe and then laid on the bed starring at Ameerah's picture, the picture was taken a day after she moved in. That was their post wedding picture and after a while he slept off.
“Mammy what's wrong?” Habeeb asked, he hadn't slept since they boarded the flight. He kept looking at people and even made friends with an old couple in the plane.

“I'm alright dear” Ameerah replied adjusting ifra, who just stirred in her sleep.

“Okay, how far are we from home and do you miss dadu as much as I do?" Habeeb questioned again, that's what he had been doing throughout the journey

“Very far, 15 more minutes and we would be landing in kano.” Ameerah answered ignoring his other question.

“ Yayy! I can't wait to meet grandma, grandpa, uncle haneef and aunty haneefa” He said counting the people with his fingers

She just hummed and resumed thinking about what Sabira said. Many things were on her mind.

Ameerah felt at ease as soon as she stepped into her parents' house. Haneef was at the airport to pick them immediately their flight landed. They had been ranting non stop with habeeb as if they had known each other for so long. Ameerah had missed home. Haneefa ran out immediately and engulfed Ameerah into a big tight hug.

“I missed you so much Adda” She said pouting

“I missed you more baby sister, now at least let me breathe properly” Ameerah said. While  haneefa quicky released her and went on to pick sleeping ifra from the back seat.  They all said their salaams and went in. Mama answered their salaams as she was seated in the sitting room

“Mama” Ameerah said hugging her mom, she had missed her mom so much.

“How are you dear? How was your journey?” Mama asked as Ameerah sat by her foot with her head on Mama's lap.
“Fine, Alhamdulillah. Where's Abba?” Ameerah asked.
“ Your Dad isn't back from the office yet, I'm sure he's on his way. Go to your room and freshen up so long” Mama answered
Ameerah got up and headed for her room with habeeb and ifra trailing behind her. While mama and haneefa set the table as Abba would be back any minute.
They all sat in the seating room talking about random stuff after having their dinner. Abba and habeeb were chatting non stop about how he likes kano and would go with him to the office the next day. Ifra and haneefa seemed busy posing weirdly to snap pictures, haneef was the only one actually concentrating on the TV. While Mama and Ameerah were discussing Aisha's wedding.
Ameerah had informed the girls of her arrival and had promised to visit them the following day.

“Babes!” Ameerah called out as soon as she stepped into Aisha's room

“ Girlfriend!” Aisha squealed hugging Ameerah

“ Seems like no one noticed us Rukky” Sa'ada said faking a frown

“ Someone's jealous” Ameerah said sticking out her tongue while Sa'ada retaliated hitting her with a pillow.

“ Can you guys stop behaving childishly! And you Sa'ada didn't you see her five days ago?” Rukky said

“ Yes mom” They all chorused and laughed afterwards
They kept talking about random things until it was past maghrib.

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