Chapter Thirty-Three

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    AUTHORS NOTE!!- okay guys So don't kill me please


Stephs P.O.V-

  I sat staring at my broken little brother. Seeing him like this brought back memories that I had tried so hard to forget. Memories that everyone forgot, even Micho himself.

  He didn't remember being in this same position years ago. He was only five years old for Gods sake. Why would he remember such a horrible thing happening to him.

  I knew from the moment I got the call from my mother that it had been our father who had done it to him, but I didn't want to believe it. He was a sick man but god I didn't think he would try to kill Micho not again anyways, not after how long it took for him to get everyone off his tracks the last time around.

   "Mom you know it was him" I said taking my eyes off of my little brother for a moment.   "No" my quiet lovable mother whispered as tears flowed down her face. "Mom come on look in the mirror , he's done it once and he's done it again" I said angirly.

  "He didn't do that and he didn't do this" she whispered refusing to believe her husband was the cold hearted monster that he was. I knew she had to know deep down and just was in denial about the whole thing.


  I sighed quieting down because my brothers heartbeat sped up. She sighed as well and sat back down kissing his head.

   "Mic you have to wake up, he can't get away again.... The twins miss you... I miss you.. Mom misses you and and Naveen god it's killing her" I cried loudly.

   I gasped loudly when his heartbeat sped up even louder and then his hands started moving a little. My mom didn't make a sound neither of us wanted to get our hopes up.

   I watched in total shock as my little brother eyes flew open and he took a huge breath. "Steph?" He whispered staring at me with his big vulnerable eyes.

Flashback to when Micho was 5 and Steph was 8:

  I stared at my little brother who was just a bundle of broken bones. We all knew what happened but no one wanted to believe it.Micho had gotten beat up at school, well he got punched in the eye by a older boy.

  I had tried to stand up for him but the boy whose name was Wallace was in my grade had pushed me away when I had stood over my little brother. He said that Micho was a retard and was an abomination.

  And when our mother came and picked us up from school and brought us home, our father instead of comforting us he had punished Micho. "You are nothing, you little retard I'll teach you what getting beat up really feels like" he had screamed before he started his attack on Micho.

   Me and mom had screamed but it hadn't mattered. And now the doctors say they aren't sure hell ever wake up again.

  "Please wake up Mic , I need you I miss you mommy misses you, they say if you don't wake up then they won't be able to put daddy in jail for what he did" I had begged for hours on end. For half a year I had begged for.

  And finally it was like he heard me one day and he woke up but not without disappointments. He woke up but he couldn't tell anyone what happened. And he couldn't remember most things before the truama. His brain had reset some and it took years to build him up.
End of Flashback

  "Micho oh thank god you're awake!" I screamed through my tears. "What's going on what's the matter?" He asked in confusion staring at me. I stared at my mom to see her already on the phone. "Naveen he's awake....yes for real... He's talking more than a word... Yes bring them with you!" Mom said before hanging up.

  "Naveen? As in Naveen Garcia? Why are you calling her? What's going on?" He demanded. And the realization knocked me off my feet.

  I sat on the ground staring at Micho shaking my head. "Mom call her back tell her don't come" I begged. "She won't answer!" Mom cried.

  "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" Micho screamed but it was too late because not even ten minutes later did the door open and two sets of tiny footsteps came padding into the room.

  "Daddy daddy daddy!" Nadia and Aidan giggled loudly. "Daddy? What the hell?" Micho asked staring at the twins who were trying to get up on the bed. "You're joking?" Naveen whispered.

  I watched as my sister in laws eyes filled with tears as she stared wide eyes at Micho. "What?" Micho asked. "You don't know who they are do you?" She whispered through her sobs.

   "No I don't sorry, Naveen right?" Micho said scratching his head at the awkwardness of the situation. "We need to go, come on Nadia come here Aidan" she sobbed picking up Aidan and grabbing Nadias tiny hand in hers.

  "Daddy?" They cried in unison. "Daddy is still sick well come back later okay" she said sobs racking her body as she left.

   "I need to go check on her" I said in a hurry. "Steph what is going on? What was that about?" Micho asked. "Those were your kids Micho and that was your girlfriend of over a year almost two now!" I said before grabbing my purse and running out.

  "I'M NOT A DAD OR A BOYFRIEND!" Micho screamed. But the only sound I heard was the the pounding of my own feet down the hallways.

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