Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I frowned when both my dad and boyfriend came back inside with puffy red eyes. Both of them obviously trying to hide the fact that they had been crying.  My dad patted Micho on his back before heading over to my mom and Mrs.James and starting talking to them. I watched as Micho disappeared upstairs. "What happened out there?" Steph asked me and I shrugged handing her the Table cloth before following him upstairs.

I walked into our room to see him sitting on our bed staring at something in his hand. I went and sat beside him before opening his closed fist and seeing a key. "What happened?" I asked and recieved a small smile in return. "Your dad bought us a house" he said making me raise my eyebrow at the words that just fell out of my boyfriends mouth. "Seriously?" I asked and he nodded.

"What kind of house?" I asked in complete and utter shock. "A four bedroom, two bath" he said making me smile huge. "Yeah but you have to remember there's bills and stuff" I said. "He paid it off were taken care off" he said making me smile even bigger.

"Wow" I whispered and he nodded kissing my exposed shoulder. "I love you" he whispered making me blush. "I love you too" I said as he kissed my shoulder again. Micho always was sweet and cute but it felt odd that he was acting like this. He smiled kissing my cheek making me smile at him.

He smiled pulling me onto his lap and falling back onto our bed. I giggled at how goofy he was acting out of the blue like this. I leaned down kissing him softly and smiled when I felt his big hands softly caress my sides.  I loved when he was in these kind of moods, he was always so soft and gentle.

He had a huge grin on his face that had yet to flatten even a little bit. He gently pulled my lips down onto his and kissed me passiontly. "Guys come on really the doors open" Zoe said laughing making me blush and climb off of Micho, who was smirking now.

"Mama?" a tiny little voice yelled making me and Micho laugh, especially when Aidan's little voice followed his sisters. "Dadda" he yelled after Nadia. Micho grabbed my hand pulling me into the twins room. We had moved Aidan back into the room with Nadia as advice from his doctor and he was doing much better.

Micho went over and picked up Aidan while I picked up Nadia. We both changed them and got them dressed into their outfits that said birthday boy and girl.


I couldnt help but smile as I watched my beautiful babies try to blow out their own candle. Aidan was determined while his sister finally gave up slamming her little fist on her highchair and pushed her cupcake away that my dad was holding for her.

"Well shes definitely got her mommys attitude and spunk thats for sure right honey" my dad said to my mom who laughed and nodded. The twins were more than spoiled by everyone. They both got atleast fifteen presents if not more a piece.

I laughed when Aidan finally was able to blow out his candle and I went over and blew out Nadias candle who smiled at me. "Twank chu mama" she said rubbing her eyes.

I smilled kissing both of their heads and Micho did the same. "Thank you guys I really appreciate this you have no idea really thank you" I said and hugged them all. I smiled when I saw that Deputy Hoods arm was wrapped around Tina's waist and he was holding max in his arms.


It took forever to clean up because the twins, Tyler and Max were all running around making more messes that we had just cleaned up. And of course Micho was to much in awe at the twins that he was no help at all. "Micho come on I need some help" I said causing him to frown and get up.

He came over and kissed my head softly. "Sorry put me to work baby" he said making me blush. So finally with the help of Micho we were finally able to finish cleaning up everything.

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