Chapter Twenty-Nine

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  I sighed heavily, as I moved closer to Michos warmth to find that I was alone in bed. I sat up slowly listening for the shower but didn't hear it which made me frown deeply.

  I looked around and saw that there was a note on his pillow. This was odd, we had moved to our own house a two months after my dad handed us the key and Micho never leaves me without telling Me.

  Dear Baby girl,

   Sorry I couldn't be there to say good morning. I tried to wake you but you are a seriously heavy sleeper my beauty.

   One of the guys called out so I'm filling in for him, sorry I couldn't be there to help with the twins please tell them daddy loves them. Zoe called your cell this morning said she would be over later around 2' o'clock.

  I don't get off till late, and my dad called and so I have to go pick up mail that he said was addressed to me. Anyways I will see you in the morning my love.

                            Love Always,

                                   Micho James


   "URGHHH!" I screamed frustrated as hell at this point. I loved the twins with all my heart but they were being impossible today. I know they are only a little over a year and that hey are supposed to be hand fulls. And normally I could handle it but not today. Not while I was running a fever and had a stomach bug too.

  I hated complaining because it was no one elses fault but my own and Michos, and I knew he wanted to be the since of income but between online college classes, the twins and my own job I was beyond stressed out.

  I sighed when I heard the twins crying now because I had went into the bathroom to just blow off some steam. With Micho working a couple days a week and sometimes all week, I usually have to do everything myself. And plus Micho had been drinking again lately more than I had first noticed. Which meant coming home even later some times.

   I went downstairs and sighed in relief when I saw that Zoe was playing with them both now. Zoe grinned at Me once she saw me standing there. "How you doing mama?" She asked giggling.

  "I don't understand how people can be single moms, I have Micho and feel more alone than they do, plus they are better at it than I am" I said as I sat down on the couch dropping my head in my hands groaning.

  She giggled shaking her head. "He's trying you know that honey, he loves you and the twins" she said and I nodded. "I know he is and does, but he's just never here anymore I'm falling behind in my classes because I always have my hands full and he's not here to help" I said and she sighed nodding in understanding.

  "And even when he is here Zoe, its like he's not he comes home goes to hang out with his buddies, sleeps, or drinks don't get me wrong he's a amazing dad he showers the twins with attention I I just don't know" I said probably sounding like the biggest winniest person alive at the moment.

  "Honey you miss the attention, its understandable, every relationship has its bumps and bruises" she said and I nodded. "How are you single?" I asked causing her to laugh. "Because, I'm Latino most guys are scared to date Latino women" she said with a shrug.


  It was past ten at night when Zoe and I finally managed to get the twins to settle down and go to bed. I knew that Micho said that he would be home late so I really didn't worry about him.

  I sighed as I got out of a nice relaxing shower and went and plopped down on the couch beside Zoe moaning as my body was enveloped with the comfort of the cushions.

  She laughed shaking her head at me before beginning to flip through the channels. I didn't last long before I could feel myself drifting off to sleep.

  But just before I could completely close my eyes my phone started ringing. I grabbed it off the table and saw that it was Micho's mother calling. Why in the world would she be calling at almost midnight.

  "Hello?, Mrs. James is everything alright?" I asked worried that something bad had happened to her, Steph or Micho. "NAVEEN! MICHOS HURT! YOU NEED TO HURRY!" She screamed in complete hysterics before hanging up before I could say another thing.

  The phone fell from my hand as I sat in total shock at what I had just been told. My best friends eyes were confused but I was to frozen to say or do anything.

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