Chapter Eight

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Authors note: Hey guys 😁Here's Chapter eight🔥 Hope you enjoy the story don't forget to comment and leave your votes.



My parents showed up not long after the twins had been born, to be honest I wish that had stayed away a little longer to give me more bonding time with them but I would've felt wrong to tell them not to come at all.

"How much do they weigh?" My mom asked as she held Nadia and my dad held Aidan. "Umm I didn't hear the doctor say it I was in alot of pain" I said. Feeling like the worst mother ever for not listening to the doctor.

"Hmph and I'm guessing the dumbass didn't care enough to bother to pay attention" my dad said making me really mad because no matter what Micho missed he had showed for their birth when he could've just ignored me and bailed on this part as well.

Micho clenched his jaw and his hand that was holding mine tightened. "Actually Mr. Garcia sir I did care enough to pay attention and if you're going to continue to be a jerk and cuss around mine and your daughters children you can leave but for your information, Nadia Kristine weighed 4 pounds 5 ounces, and Aidan Drew weighed the opposite 5 pounds 4 ounces any more rude comments or questions?" Micho asked.

Although the twins both were so little for being full term, the doctor didn't seemed to concerned seeing as they were doing so well and because they were sharing the womb they didn't have much more space to grow in my tiny body.

"Micho calm down" I whispered he sighed and nodded. "Baby we love you but we've got to go Zoey you coming?" my mom asked Zoey woke up right as her name was said.

"Huh?" she yawned. "Come on sweety you can sleep in Nav's room" my mom said and Zoey nodded. My mom handed Nadia to Micho and my dad handed me Aidan and then they all left, and I couldn't be more relieved to have peace in my room again.

I was kind of sad that they were all leaving so soon but at the same time I was really happy too. Without all of them around I knew that I would be more relaxed and Micho would be more calm as well, seeing as him and my father just couldn't seem to get along.

Micho looked like he was about to speak when someone knocked quietly on the door. "Come in" I said and the door opened revealing a tiny woman carrying a duffle bag that looked a little to heavy for her. I had no idea who she was until I saw how much her and Micho looked alike.

"Hey mom" Micho said and she smiled proudly at us both. "They are adorable what are their names honey" Mrs. James asked me. "Nadia and Aidan" I said and she smiled "Those are adorable names, okay I have to go dad is freaking out um I packed you some clothes because I didn't know if you were gonna stay or not" Mrs. James said.

"Can I stay Naveen?" Micho asked and I nodded so his mom set down his duffle bag and waved goodbye. "Nice to meet you Naveen I give you full permission to smack him around a bit, god knows he needs it at times" Mrs. James said making me smile.

Her comment made me giggle a little and smile a lot. I knew how badly Micho wanted to stay so even if there was a chance that it would be uncomfortable I had to allow him to stay, for the sake of our children. Regardless of all that had happened between the two of us it didn't change the fact that Micho was our children's father. And he deserved a second chance to prove he wasn't the fuck up he let everyone think he was.

I wanted nothing more than for our children to know their father and have a strong bond with him. And I knew Micho cared about Nadia and Aidan so I knew he wanted to prove himself to me.

I did not care in the least about what happened between me and him as long as our children had both parents in their lives. To me that was all that mattered. I knew he was probably beating himself up enough that I didn't need to add to it for no reason when he Atleast showed up for their birth.

They deserved to have both of their parents to be apart of their lives. They never once asked to be brought into this world but they were and no matter what they deserved the absolute best now that they were here from not only me but him as well.

"Nadia Kristen Garcia and Aidan Drew Garcia" I heard Micho whisper holding both of our children in his arms.

"Nadia Kristen James and Aidan Drew James you mean" I said back to him. I watched as his big brownish gold eyes met mine in utter shock.

"James?'re giving them my last name?" he asked tears going to his eyes as he stared at me. "Of course you are their father" I said with a smile planted on my face, knowing how much it meant to him.

"Aidan Drew James and Nadia Kristen both are so perfect... I promise I'll always be there to protect you from any harm and I promise to always be there when you need a shoulder to cry on...and I promise to take care of mommy too" he said smiling kissing them both on the head.

I smiled hearing all of the words coming out of his mouth, I knew that the kids coming into the world would be a great thing for him. He could prove to everyone he was so much more than he let on. I just hoped that he wouldn't fail and let everyone's words ruin the greatness I saw in him.

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