Chapter Twenty-One

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Authors note: Hey guys 😁Here's Chapter twenty-one🔥 Hope you enjoy the story don't forget to comment and leave your votes.


I didn't mean to upset her but Aidan's face just I don't know. He looked so confused. Max and Nadia were currently running around the house trying to beat each other up and neither me nor Tina could get them to calm down.

I told Naveen that I didn't mind Tina coming to live with us but it honestly seemed like it was just going to be to much with three kids and three adults in the house. Plus I didn't want the issues if Wayne was to ever get out and possibly ever get visitation rights for max. I didn't want that type of shit anywhere near my kids. I loved them way to much for them to be involved in any one else's issues or drama.

  I was rocking Aidan back and forth when I heard a loud crashing noise. I walked outside with Aidan in my arms and Nadia holding my hand that wasn't holding Aidan and gasped. There down the street was Naveen's car against a light post. "That's mama's car dadda" Nadia cried loudly and I handed Aidan to Tina and told Nadia to stay and ran down the street.

My heart was pounding going a million miles a minute as I tried getting to her as quickly as possibly praying to god that she was okay even though her car looked beyond fucked up.

  I called 9-1-1 while I was running toward her car. "Nav" I yelled fear evident in my voice. "Micho" I heard her small voice call back and I sighed letting out a huge breath of relief. I opened the car door the best that I could and saw that her arm was crushed up against the center console. "Baby your going to be okay" I said but she was sobbing to loudly to even focus on my words. " I cant move my legs Micho" she cried and I nodded. "Helps coming baby girl I promise you'll be okay" I sounded like I was trying to convince myself rather than her.

I didn't know what I would ever do if she wasn't around to help raise the twins. She was without a doubt my other half. She made every day so much better with her smile, her laughter and just everything about her.

  "I love you Micho tell the twins I love them so much" she whispered as she drifted away slowly into darkness. "NAVEEN NO YOU CANT LEAVE ME BABY WAKE UP PLEASE WAKE UP PLEASE" I screamed tears rolling down my face.

  I started to shake her shoulder in fear that she was dead, I was trying every possible way to get some kind of reaction or movement out of her. I had never been this scared in my entire life. How the hell would I ever raise the twins correctly by myself.

"HELP PLEASE MY GIRLFRIEND PLEASE SOMEBODY PLEASE" I screamed loudly and saw a ambulance start to pull up along with Naveen's parents, Tina most of called them when she saw. "NAVEEN" they both yelled and tried to push me away but I wouldn't budge. "Son you have to move or else you'll lose her" some guy said and slowly I moved and kissed her forehead and whispered I love you to her and walked back down the street to the twins.

Both Nadia and Aidan were screaming and Nadia was hitting Tina trying to get her to let her go. "Mommy?" Aidan said tears in his eyes. "Mommy gonna be okay baby boy come on" I said and gestured my hands out toward him and he did the same so I put him in my arms. I couldn't lie if someone was to ask me if I was scared, because fact of the matter was I was scared shitless. Everything was running through my head. I never wanted to not have Naveen in my life she was my whole world along with Nadia and Aidan.

   I couldn't ever dream of a day now not being able to wake up beside Naveen and smile first thing every morning and every night. If things hadn't been so crazy maybe I would've actually noticed that Aidan had just said Mommy to me meaning Naveen hadn't been lying this morning when she had said he had spoken.

  I grabbed Nadia's hand and put them in my truck in the car seats and headed to the hospital.  When we got there they were just putting Naveen in a room so we had to wait. "Mama?" Aidan cried and tossed and turned in my arms. "Hold on baby boy" I said and he started crying louder. "Need some help?" I heard a familiar voice ask....

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