Chapter Four

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Authors note: Hey guys 😁 Here's chapter four😜 Hope you enjoy the story don't forget to comment and leave your votes. ❤


Zoey had spent the night with me again she's been staying with me since the party. I woke up and my stomach twisted I ran to the bathroom and emptied my stomach contents.

I wasn't stupid, I knew what was going on almost immediately, four weeks after the party the puking started and never quit. I was just terrified to actually take the test to be told exactly what I feared.

I was way to young to be a mom and needed to be able to finish school, and I knew without a doubt in my mind the Micho wouldn't want anything to do with a baby. I shouldn't have believed him when he had said he thought that we had used protection. I should've just went and gotten a plan b pill instead.

Since the party I had gained a few pounds which just helped confirm what I knew was going on with my body. I was already hating the fact that I didn't follow my instinct and not believe him. But not like I really could blame him though because I was old enough to know better, I should've just bought a fucking plan B.

"Nav" Zoey whispered making me pull myself away from my thoughts and look over to her, "Huh?" I asked as I puked again. "I think you need to take a pregnancy test honey" she said and I then started crying.

I knew that she was right, but in no way was I ready. I am way to young I can not possibly be a mom. I'll be such a fuck up. My parents are going to be so disappointed in me. I knew that they had done so much in life to keep this from happening to me.

I wasn't the kind of girl that just went and got trashed and lost her virginity to a player. And ended up pregnant at that.

What would people say? Everyone will say I'm a whore and a slut and that the baby is a mistake. Micho thought he had used protection so no way was he going to actually believe the kid was his if I was pregnant.

And Micho is no where near ready to be a father, even if he did decide to claim the kid, he was to worried about making his way through every girl at the High school to focus on me. He was for sure going to laugh in my face and call me a liar and I'm going to be left all alone like so many other teenage moms.

I could not get a abortion I didn't believe in them. They are cruel and it wasn't the babies fault that her mom decided to be a dumbass and get trashed. I knew that I blacked out some times when I drank, which is why I had told Zoey to watch out for me and not let me drink to much but if course some where along the night things went south.

My memory of the night was completely in shambles though because of how much alcohol I had consumed. I couldn't remember what had happened to make Zoey disappear like she had and Micho appear the way he had.

My parents hadn't questioned why I had been puking so much thankfully. They just brushed it off as me having the flu which I was extremely grateful for. They were always so sweet to me, giving me basically anything I had ever asked for through out life. My mom was super sweet, and my dad although was always giving to me he was rough and crazy some times.

They offered a lot of times to take me to the doctors for medicine but I convinced them that I would get over it in no time. But I knew soon they wouldn't let me keep brushing it off like I had been doing.

She pulled me into her arms and rubbed my back. "I wish he was different" I sobbed. She sighed "Honey he's well he's Micho he's not boyfriend material but if you are pregnant he has a right to know" she said and I nodded knowing she was right.

"Do you want me to go buy one?" she asked. I pulled away and nodded. "Please Zoe" I said and she nodded and threw her hair up into a crappy bun and tossed on some slippers and grabbed her phone and some money.

"I'll be back in a half hour call me if you need me" she said. I spent the whole half hour puking.


When Zoe got back I did the test and sat there for the results. It was the longest three minutes of my life. I sat there and debated in my head about the options I had, I could give the baby to a really nice family that couldn't have one.

When the timer went off I got up and my hand was shaking so bad then my legs gave out and I hit the floor and Zoe hugged me while I cried. "Pregnant" she whispered making my world fall apart even though most of me had already known I was pregnant I hadn't wanted to accept it.

"Oh god Nav I'm so sorry are you going to tell him?" she asked and I nodded into her chest. "Come on we are late for school" she said. I pulled on a pair of black sweat pants that said sweet across the butt.

After putting on the matching shirt, I re did my hair into a nicer messy bun and Zoe pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and a T-shirt and didn't bother much with her hair either.

After that we brushed our teeth and grabbed our bags and our phones and headed to school. When we got there, she opened my door and carried both of our bags cause my back was in pain. I frowned thinking about how Micho was going to react when I told him about me being pregnant.

"Naveen" my other best friend Ethan yelled and hugged me tightly. "Ethan my stomach hurts please let go" I whined and he let me go and Zoe hit him in the head.

"The last thing you need to do is hurt my god child" she scolded her cousin angrily pointing at him. I sighed at her words but knew the secret was safe with the two of them.

"Nav you're pregnant?" he whispered. To which I nodded and he offered me a small warm smile giving me a little bit of peace. "Well you know I got your back always cuz" he said making me smile a little bit.

"Are you gonna tell Micho?" he asked looking across the parking lot. I followed his line of sight and saw Micho sitting on his tailgate staring at me. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him smile a little when our eyes connected, he knew we were talking about him which made him smirk, which was more than dazzling.

I nodded looking away from him until I heard Zoey cuss under her breath. "Come on you can tell him later honey" she said making me glance back up to what broke my heart right in two.

Micho was no longer alone on the tailgate. The schools slut Cindy had climbed up onto his lap and had began to make out with him. I saw him pull away for a second and his eyes met mine, he looked more than ashamed but didn't make her stop what she was doing.

I mean he had a reputation right? Who was I to question Micho James, the most popular boys in school. He was a man whore he slept with who ever he could, any girl who opened her legs for him.

I started crying and ran away from everyone as fast as possible. I sat at the back of the school property all by myself trying to forget the pain.

What was I supposed to do? He would never understand what it meant to be a dad, not till later in life when he was actually ready to settle down and be a dad if he even wanted kids that was.

This poor baby would only have me. His or her father was not gonna change for anyone but himself, and I was going to have to accept that. I sighed continuing to cry because I was just beyond heart broken, I didn't love him but it was confusing seeing him the way I saw him the night we had sex and then the way he had looked at me right before Cindy had walked up.

I sighed just sitting there trying to make myself forget what it was like seeing his hands all over her like that after we had just been together. I tried to not let it get to me but for some reason I just couldn't help it in any way possible.

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