Chapter Thirty

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But just before I could completely close my eyes my phone started ringing. I grabbed it off the table and saw that it was Michos mother calling. Why in the world would she be calling at almost midnight.

  "Hello?, Mrs. James is everything alright?" I asked worried that something bad had happened to her, Steph or Micho. "NAVEEN! MICHOS HURT! YOU NEED TO HURRY!" She screamed in complete hysterics before hanging up before I could say another thing.

  The phone fell from my hand as I sat in total shock at what I had just been told. My best friends eyes were confused but I was to frozen to say or do anything.


  After I came out of the shock,  Zoe told me that she could watch the twins so that I could go see Micho.

    The whole drive to the hospital I was in hysterics I couldn't think straight what had happened. I didn't know the details but I knew from the sound of Mrs James voice that would ever happened couldn't be good.

   I screamed aggravated at how much traffic there was it was midnight for gods sake. That's when I realized that there was a wreck up ahead. I pounded my hands on the wheel making it beep like a hundred times and me to get flicked off and yelled at.

  "Fuck it!" I said grabbing my phone and my purse before getting out of the car and starting running on feet. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING CHICK?" some guy yelled from his truck as I ran through the traffic.

  I ignored him and kept running. The hospital was at least two miles away but it would be faster running than driving at this point and probably safer to.  And yet still It took me forever to get to the hospital.

But once I got there I hurried inside and up to the older blonde lady at the front desk. "Micho James!" I cried. She's frowned seeing my soaked clothes since it had been pouring outside when I started running. She started typing on the computer before nodding. "Relationship and age?" She asked. "Eighteen and his girlfriend" I said before she nodded again. "Room 345 honey" she said and I thanked her as I ran through the hallways and got yelled out to stop running by an older lady in a wheelchair.

  I tapped my foot impaitently as I waited for the elevator to reach the third floor of the hospital. When the doors opened I pushed past the man that was trying to get inside it and ran down the hall and came to a sudden stop when I saw Mrs. James and Stephanie crying as they started at the hospital bed.

  The man that I assumed was Mr. James was sitting in the chair asleep totally uninterested or care that his son was hurt. "IS HE OKAY?" I cried running inside the room more and seeing a shallow breathing Micho asleep on the hospital beds.

  Steph shook her head no at me crying more into her moms arms. I looked over again at Micho and felt a whole nother rush of tears as I took in the love of my lifes appearance.

  They had his right leg hung in one of those braces, his left leg was propped up so that his knee was elevated,  he had a large bruise on his hip seeing as they had stripped him bare besides his boxers. His left wrist was bandaged up, he had stitches on his right side along with large bruises covering his chest.


  They had to cut his hair in order to get to the open wound on his scalp which they had stitched up. When my eyes landed on his face I began to sob harder than before. His cheek was bruised, his lips busted, his eye swollen, his nose no doubt broken, but had been popped back into place.


  "What happened?" I asked to no one in particular. "We don't know the doctors say that from the look of his injuries, that he may of gotten jumped and beaten, or it could've been from a fall but from the extremes it had to of been at least five or more flights of stairs, they say he's lucky to even be alive, he was awake when they brought him in but he went into a coma shortly after surgery ended" Steph explained coming to hug me.

"He's in a what?" I screamed causing Mr. James to jump up startled and when he focused on me he glared at me angirly. "So you're the whore huh?" He asked. "DAD!" "MOSES!" Steph and Mrs. James yelled at the same time in shock on what he had just called me.

  "Whatever asshole" I said angirly back at him only for him to bow up at me because I disrespected him. I am usually a very respectful person but, I've heard everything about this man, I had absolutely no respect what so ever for this man.

  "Now I see what he layed with your trashy ass, you both have no respect for your elders, and now you've brought two more mistakes into the world what the hell were either of you thinking bringing more disrespectful little mistakes into the world, they are nothing just like you're nothing just like he is nothing" he screamed in my face and I lost it.

  I saw red and when I I opened my eyes Mr. James was clutching his cheek and had a busted lip. "Listen here buddy, I don't know who the hell you think you are, but I'm fucking exhausted, overwhelmed, stressed, behind in school, I just left my kids in the watch of my best friend who has a life she should be living, a dad that is extremely ill, I just left my unlocked car that I payed for in traffic and ran two fucking miles in the pouring god damn rain, my boyfriend the father of my children is in a fucking coma and may not wake up and now some piece of shit no good white trash asshole that beats up on his kids telling me I'm no good and neither is my amazing, scholarship athletic, working boyfriend, and god fucking damit neither are our kids so if you don't like that get off your fucking high horse and get the hell out" I said repeatedly jabbing him in the chest with my finger.

He pushed me away from him before storming out saying fuck you little bitch.

Right as he left slamming the doors behind him something started beeping extremely loud and Mrs. James wailed loudly. A doctor and three nurses came in pushing us out and rejumping my boyfriends dying heart.

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