Chapter Sixteen

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Authors note: Hey guys 😁Here's Chapter sixteen🔥 Hope you enjoy the story don't forget to comment and leave your votes.

When I woke up from my nap I yawned and began to stretch out before Micho who had his arms around my waist pulled me closer so I was facing his chest. "Micho?" I whispered. "Hmmm?" he mumbled. "I love you too..." I whispered. His body tensed up before his eyes opened landing on me and smiling at me with a huge smile.

It was like he couldn't realize that I had honestly just told him that I loved him. I mean who wouldn't he's so easy to fall in love with the way that he treats someone. He has a really big heart once You break down some of his wall's and see the real him. I could honestly see myself spending the rest of my life with him, and nothing would make me happier than doing just that. He was amazing to me and the twins and somehow he had gotten past every single wall I had put up to help keep him out. I was scared to let him in knowing or Atleast thinking I would only end up with my heart broke.

"You were awake?" he asked me I nodded in response which of course made him smile at me even more. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you" he whispered. "I want that too Micho" I said knowing in my heart thats what I truly wanted, he smiled and kissed me softly. To be honest I missed his lips against mine I really did. I moaned quietly and he grinned and pecked my lips before pulling away. "I love you" he said. "I love you to Micho" I said making him once again smile at me hearing the words coming from my mouth.

I knew for quite a minute now that I loved Micho more than words could ever possibly explain and I knew with That I didn't ever want to lose him in my life . I mean he was just more than perfect, I knew he didn't think of himself that way or hold himself to as high of a pedestal as I did but I knew he was the greatest man that I would ever come across or get the chance at loving.

Sure he made some mistakes but in the end who doesn't everyone makes mistakes and he shouldn't be knocked down because of his. He had stepped up to be the man and father that he needed to be as soon as he had came into the delivery room with me that day. I knew that everything changed that day.

I watched everything in Micho change that day. It wasn't about sex or the drugs and the alcohol it was about me and his kids now nothing else. He had stopped partying and he stopped messaging every girl that wanted him he stopped hanging out with a lot of the people he was hanging out with before all in all he just changed for the better. He was an amazing father and an amazing boyfriend as well.

I knew I didn't have to doubt that he loved me at all I truly believed he did. I knew that he loved the twins more than anything else in the world. And even if he lost his love for me I knew for a fact that he would always love and protect the twins with his life. They were the most important things to him now that they were here and apart of his life.

I had never imagined I'd be a mom right now I Damn sure couldn't have ever imagined that I would have two children with someone that seemed to be the complete opposite of me.

I could honestly see me and Micho getting married one day and maybe having one or two more kids. I could see us actually succeeding at being teenage parents no matter how many people would doubt us in the process. I knew we had it in us more than anything or anyone to prove everyone wrong, we wanted to defeat everyone's doubts that we wouldn't make it. We wanted things to work for the absolute best.

I knew that we had a lot of struggle in our future but I couldn't think of anyone else I would want to struggle through life with. I was nothing but happy with how my life was at this moment in time and couldn't imagine wanting anything more.

I was blessed with my little family that what I knew for sure, what I had once thought was a mistake turned out to be the absolute best thing for me.

Afterwards me and Micho went and got the bottles ready downstairs for the twins and then we both went and got Nadia and Aidan and Fed them.

"Naveen I love you Nadia and Aidan more than anything in the world and I don't ever want to lose y'all, because you are all the best thing that has ever happened to me I want to spend the rest of my life surrounded by you and our baby boy and girl" Micho said making my eyes full up with tears.

I smiled and leaned down with Nadia in my arms and kissed him softly feeling him softly return return the blissful kiss.

"I cant believe I got so lucky to have you and the twins in my life Micho" I said making him smile at me. "It was me that got lucky enough to have y'all in my life" he said back making my stomach jump with all the butterflies.

"You're perfect " I said making him grin the wide sly grin I fucking Lovveed. "No that's you" he said laughing. I honestly hoped we would always last because I never wanted to lose him or the way that he made me feel everyday. The way he smiled, laughed just everything about him was truly perfect to me.

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