Chapter Eleven

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Authors note: Hey guys 😁Here's Chapter eleven🔥 Hope you enjoy the story don't forget to comment and leave your votes.


When we finally got home Micho carried Aidan's carrier and Zoey carried Nadia's. When we walked inside I saw my parents waiting with big smiles on their faces.

They both hugged me and Zoey but my mom was the only one that hugged Micho. "Why is he here?" my dad asked clearly pissed off at me for bringing him to the house. "Micho will be staying in the guest room so that he can spend time with his and our daughters children" my mom said leaving no room for argument.

I could tell that my dad was pissed off at the fact that Micho would be staying with us but I was happy that he didn't throw a complete fit about it and just walked away. My dad wasn't normally one to just take things so lightly, he normally wanted to fight and scream but for once he let my mom win and was done with the whole thing.

"How are you honey?" my mom asked me and I smiled. "I'm okay I miss my comfy bed I really want a nap" I said and she laughed "Go take a nap honey you and Micho both and the twins all need it go" she said and shooed us away.

I was happy that she told us to go take a nap and didn't wanna sit and talk about everything that had happened. I was more than exhausted and just wanted a really good nap. I didn't really sleep well at the hospital because the nurses come in so often to check up on you and the babies, which was great and all but beyond exhausting.

Micho grabbed both of the babies carriers and followed me upstairs to their room which was joined with mine and so was the guest room which is where Micho would be sleeping. I unstrapped Nadia while Micho unstrapped Aidan and we laid them in their cribs and covered them up and kissed each of their heads.

I turned on the baby monitor and then headed to my room with Micho following me slowly unsure if he was supposed to be following me or not. I took a shower and changed into sweats and a T-shirt and crawled into bed. Micho scratched the back of his neck, he had sat on the edge of my bed while I showered waiting on me to tell him what to do.

"I'll be in my room if you need me okay Nav?" he asked. "Micho?" I yawned quietly. "Ya hun?" he asked as he was about to leave. "Will you lay with me please?" I asked. He had been sharing the tiny hospital bed with me the majority of our stay and so I had grown use to having him next to me to sleep.

He smiled and nodded. "Ya let me take a quick shower hun" he said and I nodded. "Thank you" I said and he nodded, "No problem" he said and went and took a shower. I nodded off Atleast a half dozen times while he was showering trying my best to stay awake but I was so tired.

He got out about twenty minutes later wearing a pair of PJ pants and a T-shirt. Then he crawled into bed next to me and I snuggled closer and laid my head on his chest, he kissed my head and wrapped his arms around me. "Goodnight beautiful" he said. "Goodnight Micho" I said and I fell into dream world.


I woke up to the sound of the twins crying their eyes out so I got up leaving Nav asleep and went and changed both of my angels diapers and rocked them both in my arms but they kept on crying, I finally was brought help when Miranda Naveen's mom came in and smiled at me.

I'm more than sure she knew I wasn't experienced in any way with babies. I wasted the time I could've been getting ready to help raise them partying and stuff. I regretted not being by Naveens side more than anything but I couldn't fix it now so I had to live with all the decisions that I had made in the last nine months. I didn't feel that I deserved to have the twins or Naveen in my life if I was being honest but for some reason she was letting me be apart of it all and for that I was grateful for.

"Here honey let me help" she said so I handed her Nadia who was the one crying louder. She sat down in the other rocking chair and handed me a bottle for Aidan and had one in her hand for Nadia. I couldn't help but to keep glancing up to check on her as Miranda held her as if somehow she was going to end up hurt.

"Thank you I didn't know what to do but Nav was asleep and she needs it so I didn't want to have to wake her up so thank you" I said and she nodded. "Its okay honey I'm proud of you both and no matter what my husband says you will be a great dad and maybe even a great husband one day"she said which caused me to smile. Naveen probably would never want to marry me but her words still made me happy.

"Really?" I asked. And she laughed and nodded. When the twins were both asleep we set them in their cribs and she smiled at me said goodnight and left. I kissed the twins heads once more before I crawled back into bed with my beautiful girl.

I couldn't help but Doubt very strongly that Naveen would ever want to marry someone like me but it made me smile thinking back of Miranda's words to me. I wanted to have a very long and happy future with Not only the twins but Naveen as well. I never wanted to not have them in my life.

So as I thought about all the ways I could make this work and make them all happy I started to drift to sleep.

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