Chapter One

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Authors note: Hey guys 😁 Hope you enjoy the story don't forget to comment and leave your votes.


"Come on preeettyyy pleeeaaaseee Naveen come on please it'll be so much fun come on pleaseeee" my best friend Zoey whined. Normally I would just brush her off but I had already had a horrible day at school and I really wasn't in the mood to listen to her bitch about me being no fun.

     "Where is the party even going to be at Zoey?" I asked her wanting to know where I was going before we went. "Um I don't remember the dudes name but its one of Micho James friends" she said shyly making me shake my head no immediately.

She has been whining for the last hour as we sat in my room. "Oh my god shut the fuck up yes yes fine we'll go" I screamed. "Yayyyyyy thank you thank you thank you" she yelled and then started yanking crap out of my drawers and closet. "Well come on get on your ass up help me look for something to wear"she yelled before throwing a shoe at me.

After two hours, my room was a complete mess there were clothes every where you looked and my bed and floor were no where to be seen. We had finally settled on a black dress for me and a red dress for her. We both curled our hair and pulled on our high heels and did our make up.

I really didn't want to go to this party but I was so tired of hearing about it all freaking day. That's the thing about Zoey, when she wanted something she always got me to cave and do what she wanted. She was my best friend but definitely not always the best influence.

She was a lot crazier than I was and I wasn't sure why exactly she chose me to be her best friend but she did way back when we were in elementary school.



Naveen was seven years old and she did not get along with any of the kids in her class because she did not try to. She did not know how to even really make friends so she didn't try too she didn't see the point in it. She got picked on a lot anyways because she was very smart for only being seven years old.

"Mommy please dont make me go" she begged her mother for the hundredth time. "Naveen you have to and it's final, school is good for you" her mother said to her.

So when she got to school it all began again like every day. She answered all the questions that the teacher asked and of course the three girls Heather, Samantha and Riley started to make fun of her

But today was different there was a new girl, she had tan skin and long brown hair that was in a braid. She was wearing blue jeans and a black shirt.

When she noticed the mean girls picking on the smart girl in the class she got really mad.

She walked over and yanked one of the girls hair causing her to cry out not that Zoey really cared.

"Stop picking on her because she's smarter than y'all are or you'll have to deal with me" Zoey said grabbing the smart girls hand and bringing her to sit near her.

"You are gonna be my new bestfriend okay?" Zoey asked the pretty shy smart girl who smiled at her in shock but nodded nonetheless.


So that was how me and Zoey became friends. And ever since then she has always been by my side. We were pretty much inseparable. Everyone knew it and we were to be honest closer than sister's.

We were those best friends that were so close that many people actually questioned if were a couple more times than I could count. My own father even questioned us when I brought up a boy, saying he assumed I was with Zoey and that I liked girls.

My mom laughed about it and I just looked at him in total horror that he could possibly have thought something like that.

I would have Zoey's back through no matter what because I knew she had mine all the time as well no matter what the circumstances were.

Throughout all of the time that we grew up together I had lost all count on how many times shes stood up for me and actually gotten into fights over me.

      "Zoey I don't even like parties you do understand that don't you?" I asked her questionably making her look at me seriously. "Naveen you do understand that if you like drinking and you like doing other things that people do at parties then you literally can't not like a party right" she asked me making me sigh shrugging giving into what she wanted because I knew it was no use to try to stay home.

    "Come on Nav, I promise you'll enjoy it when have I ever let you down?" she said smiling her perfect flashy smile at me making me laugh st the fact that she was right. She had never let me down throughout everything in out lives.

      "Just don't let me get to messed up man I'm not trying to go try and turn into a slut or anything" I said making her smile nodding in agreement. "No way I got your back" she said excited about me caving and giving into going to the party.

   "Come on stupid help me clean my room up before we go" I said making her whine about wanting to go before no one noticed her coming through the door because they would all be wasted. "Well then I guess you better hurry" I said laughing at her horrified look on her face.

     "Fine fine okay but hurry up Nav I'm ready to go" she said starting to clean the room hastily making me shake my head in amusement. After we had finished cleaning the room we headed out to the car to head to the party that I knew was a bad idea.

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