Chapter Thirty-Six

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Apparently everyone including my mom believed that I was a father to Naveens kids. I had no idea why she would lie to them like that. I mean honestly, yeah I had always had an eye for her she was different she never threw herself at me like all the other girls did and so she kept my interest.

But I think I would remember getting her pregnant and having twins with her for gods sake. I would've remembered being there for their first kicks and her first ultrasound and all that but I didn't so she had to be lying so that she had someone to stand by her for her mistake.

I was smart enough to wrap it god I was only eighteen I won't even be ready to have kids until maybe like twenty five.

I wanted to hit myself for letting myself get wrapped up in thinking about her again. Steph has stopped talking to me because of how I'm acting I guess.

I sighed reaching over to grab my new phone, my dad had went and bought me a new one the day I got out of the hospital because he said they had a great deal on it.

I wanted to get drunk, I wanted to have fun like I use to I hadn't left my house in five months. Just as I grabbed my phone my door swung open and Anthony came walking in.

I smiled when I saw that he had two huge bottles of Vodka and a bottle of jack. "Yo bitch face let's get drunk I'm bored as fuck" he said handing me the bottle of vodka.

"I'm down " I said starting to get hammered with my best friend for the first time in god knows how long.

"Hey bitch face?" Tony asked me laying on my bed staring at the ceiling of my room. "What?" I slurred dragging on the wha part.

"Do you remember anything from before?" He asked me not looking at me. "Naw man I alreadys told ya that dumbass" I slurred and started coughing when he shoved me violently off my bed onto the floor.

"Do you believe her?" He asked me staring now at his phone with a frown. "Naw, I'm eight teen I think I would remember having kids, and finally fucking the only girl that kept my interest" I slurred climbing back onto my bed.

He got up stumbling down the hall and when he returned he had a black eye and was rushing to lock my door. When it was finally locked and closed he tossed something at me.

I grabbed it and stared down at it and saw that it was my old phone. He came and sat down grabbing the phone and turning it on. "Look" he said pointing at my screensaver.

I stared at it shocked, my screensaver was a photo of Naveen in a bikini laughing and holding both of the kids hands as they walked down the beach.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR" my dad yelled angirly. I looked up shocked even more when Tony was grabbing a few things and pushing me towards my bedroom window.

I rolled out into the grass with the phone in my hand tightly as we stumbled over to my truck. Anthony got in the drivers side while I rode shot gun. I stared wide eyed when my dad came running out screaming at Anthony.

"Look through the fucking messages, I miss my new best friend, I miss seeing you mature, I miss the goofy dad you, I miss the love sick puppy" he yelled as he took off down the road.

I did as he said and the first message column on my phone was My beautiful babymama . I laughed a little at how stupid that sounded. "Start from the last possible message" he demanded.

Me- Hey beautiful :)
Nav- Hey handsome how's work?
Me- sucks wish I was holding you and the twins
Nav- The twins are with my parents today... They picked them up for shopping and so I could get some sleep
Me- sooo in other words.. I can come home for break?
Nav- hmm.... I don't know I'm pretty busy
Me- To busy to let me spoil you?
Nav- Never to busy for you baby
Me- Hey beautiful?
Nav- Yeah?
Me- I love you so very much and I just want you to know that you and the twins are the best things that has ever happened to me
Nav- Promise?
Me- I promise baby girl I love you
Nav- Promise me something?
Me- anything
Nav- Promise me no matter what happens that you'll always love me and the twins and even if not me then always be there for the twins?
Me- why the hell wouldn't I always love you?
Nav- Things happen... Not all relationships work out.... And I don't know
Me- Are you scared?
Nav- Of what?
Me- To trust me... To trust me to always take care of you and our babies? To always be hopelessly in love with you?
Nav- I just don't want you to wake up one morning and forget all about us is all
Me- I could never ever forget about the love of my life and the two beautiful things we created.
Nav- I don't know baby, whens your break?
Me- In about a hour why you okay??
Nav- Yeah I just miss you is all
Me- okay baby girl I miss you more but I gotta go love you forever till death due us part
Nav- I love you more

I hadn't realized until Tony was stuffing a napkin in my face that I had been sobbing like a baby. And then just like someone had slammed my head Into a concret wall everything started coming back to me.

The party.... Good Fuck....Cindy... Twins... Missing everything... Almost missing their birth... Me and her dad fighting... Naveen wrecking.... And my dad telling me he had mail for me... Promising that I'd be home to see her wake up... My dad and a couple of his buddies and me drinking a few and then them trashing Naveen and my babies.... Me swinging on my dad and getting jumped....

I gasped loudly beginning to look through all my photos on my phone. Pictures of the twins and Naveen filled my gallery.

"Naveen, Aidan, and Nadia" I whispered and turned to stare at my best friend. He smiled a little at me before nodding for me to continue. "Oh my god... My babies.. My girl...the hell I've put them through" I whispered. "Tony bring me home please" I begged wiping away the tears.

"Yes sir" he said doing a very illegal U-Turn heading to mine and my loves home. "She hasn't found somebody better has she?" I asked staring down at the photos on my phone.

"Nav? Naw man she barely left the house since you became a shell of nothingness" he said making me glare at his stupidness. "Way to make me feel better man!" I said hearing him snicker under his breath.

It took a little of thirty minutes to get to the house because of the fact that we were both drunk and Tony was driving slow that way he didn't crash my truck. I frowned when I realized I didn't even wanna know what damage my dad probably did to Tony's truck.

I smiled but wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans when he pulled up into my drive way. "Who's truck is that?" I asked him staring at the little blue dodge ram parked in the grass. "Don't know, probably Zoey's boyfriends or something" he said shrugging reaching around into the back seat of my truck.

He sprayed cologne on me before leaning across me and opening my door for me. "Go already man" he said pushing me out of my own truck.

I smiled a little before nodding and stumbling up the drive way. I was coming out of my drunken state thankfully enough to focus and walk correctly.

I didn't want to just intrude into the house because I didn't want to scare anyone or wake the twins so I knocked on the door.

I heard the door unlock and slowly began to open and.....

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