Chapter Ten

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Authors note: Hey guys 😁Here's Chapter Ten🔥 Hope you enjoy the story don't forget to comment and leave your votes. Currently the story is under editing on some chapters to lengthen the chapters out

The twins were born on Valentines day which was such an amazing thing in my eyes. They were a huge symbol of all the love I needed in my life to fix all the holes in my heart that Micho helped put there. I'm glad he was going to be apart of our lives now and although I already found myself forgiving him, I knew it was going to be extremely hard to trust him.

I was excited as hell but at the same time I was terrified at the thought of being a parent of twins for real without all of the nurses help. They had been a god send helping with teaching not only myself but Micho as well with what we needed to do for them. I wasn't sure how in the hell we would do it without their help.

Micho left to go buy car seats for the kids and then pull up his truck to the front entrance to the hospital. I guess he had gotten two of his friends to bring his truck to the hospital while we waited to be discharged. Zoey came to help us and the twins get discharged and settled which meant a lot to me. She was carrying Aidans carrier and we watched in awe and he stretched his arm yawning.

"Awwww they are so cute" she giggled. "I'm in complete shock at just how much Aidan looks like Micho, it's beyond adorable they are both so perfect" I said with a huge smile. "Ya but he does have your blond hair but besides that yes he looks exactly like his daddy, and yes Nav they are both so perfect you did great" Zoe said smiling at me.

"They both are going to be little heart breakers when they get older that's for sure" she added with a giggle making me laugh but nod back at her because I knew she was right.

"I can't believe he actually stepped up like he did, it definitely means a lot moving forward with him and the kids" I said smiling up at her. She smiled back and nodded. "Me either to be honest I didn't expect him to actually show up but I'm glad he did for you and the kiddos" She said smiling.

"Well he probably knew he'd end up getting his ass beat by you if he didn't show up" I said with another giggle making her grin. "What can I say the job has stuck to me, I've beat people up and threatened them over you since the second grade it just comes naturally now" she said making me laugh.

"Thanks Zoe" I said feeling a tear come to my eye. "For what Nav?" she asked in confusion. "For everything honestly you've always been there for me no matter what, You've always protected me and you never once judged me for anything, I love you so much Zoey" I said making her smile really big at me.

"Thats what best friends are for dumb dumb" she said laughing at me. "And you know no matter what I will always be there for you Nav, I mean hell I dumped Adrian while you were pregnant because it was way more important to me to make sure you had someone to take care of you than to have a fuck buddy" She said .

"You told me Adrian cheated on you" I said kind of upset with her that she lost her boyfriend over me. "Because I knew you would blame yourself just like you're doing right now which is completely unnecessary because you come first my love you're my bestfriend and those babies are my babies" she said with a shrug like it was no big deal.

"Because it is my fault Zoey, you shouldn't have felt like it was your responsibility to take care of me and the babies" I said with a frown sitting deeply on my face. "No it wasn't I made the choice not you dumbass now shut up and accept I love you more than some fuck that didn't even treat me good half the time" she said angrily at me making me sigh.

"Hun are you sure your ride is coming?" a nurse asked. "Ya he's coming he's probably just freaking over which car seat to buy" Zoey said for me and I nodded but couldn't help but worry that he wasn't going to show back up. He probably ran for the hills knowing he didn't want the responsibility of two children.

After three hours of waiting a out of breath Micho came running in. "I'm so sorry I'm late Nav I was shopping for the babies and lost track of time and I didn't realize what time it was till a lady told me she was about to close up" he said in a hurry. He smiled once he saw the twins and came up and kissed both of their heads and then mine.

"It's okay calm down boy just get her and the twins home its freezing you dumb ass" Zoe said. Micho nodded and led all of us out to his black Chevy 2500 Duramax.

Zoey gently handed Aidan to him and he strapped him into the baby carrier/ car seat thing, then did the same with Nadia. Zoey sat in between the twins car seats in the back and me and Micho sat in the front. He began driving and followed my directions to my house.

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