Chapter Thirty-One

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  Micho's heart has been restarted ten times in the last month that he's been in a coma. The doctors say that its not fair to keep him alive like this. His dad could care less about the fact that he's son is dying.

  His mom is hurting her own health because she hasn't been sleeping much except when I come in and make her leave to sleep. And even then she only goes and lays down in the waiting room or will go to Stephs for a while then return.

  Me and the twins well its hell. Zoey and my parents are here to help out because I just haven't been myself how could I be though my boyfriend was dying it was no secret you couldn't deny what what 90% true.

   Me, zoey or my mom bring the twins up here every day to see Micho and they'll sit on his bed and talk to him about any thing and everything. I told them that Daddy was really tired and just needed a lot of rest like they do sometimes but of course Nadia being smarter than she should be called me a liar which made Aidan cry.

   I called in to my online college teacher and explained everything and she said they she would make sure that I didn't get behind with a excuse so she sorta froze my classes to say. Which is when I don't get any grades but my grades also aren't brought down to Fs. Basically my schooling was unactive to say.

   Micho is in and out of consciousness now which is bad and good I guess according to the doctors. The fact that he can't stay conscious for a whole day has them worried than there might be brain damage.

  When he's awake he can move around a little but he doesn't speak or have control over his muscles and stuff. So really all he does is twitch and his eyes move around.

   Today was the first time in about three days that I've come up to see him because Nadia came down with a flu but after being put on antibiotics shes doing much better. Aidan was staying at my moms so that he didn't catch the same flu because the last thing I wanted was both of my babies sick.

   I bundled Nadia up because it was 52° degrees outside and I didn't want her getting sick again. I picked Aidan up as well on the way and smiled kissing his nose making him giggle.

  I sighed loudly picking Aidan up in my arms and offering Nadia my finger which she gladly took a hold off.  "Mommy?" Aidan asked smiling showing off all his gum.

  "Yes baby?" I asked making him giggled softly. "Daddy?" He asked me staring at me with his big golden brown eyes. I wanted to cry all I saw was Micho's eyes when I looked down at him. "Yes baby" I answered receiving another big smile.

  The twins loved the elevator, they were fearless when it came to most things, me on the other hand I was terrified when it came to riding in a elevator.

   I brought the twins down the hall all the way to their dads room before letting go off Nadia's hand and setting Aidan down on his feet and smiled as I watched him wobble after his running sister.

  I followed them into the room to see Steph fast asleep in the chair beside his bed. Aidan smiled walking over to his sleeping aunt and tugging on her nurse uniform. She groaned before yawning and waking up and smiling sadly at us all.

   "He's doing better" she said picking Aidan up and setting him down on Micho's bed as I did the same with Nadia. "He showing any signs of waking up and functioning?" I asked watching as she shook her head no.

   I sighed walking over , sitting down on the bed beside him and kissing his lips softly. The doctors had taken the brace off his leg because it was at the point it could finish healing by its self, his knee was better, his stitches had been removed from his head and his hair was slowly growing back.  His vitals and all was improving everyday.

   His nose was slightly crooked but he still looked handsome like he always had. I sighed deeply and felt my body shake gently. I watched in total shock and fear as Aidan moved around and pulled himself so that he was sitting on Micho's chest. Then just like her brother Nadia did the same sitting at her brothers side.

  "Daddy, weee mwss yoe" Aidan cried softly and soon Nadia joined him. I frowned deeply joining my kids in crying.

  I grabbed Micho's hand kissing it softly.  "Please baby come back, I can't do this alone, I need you, Micho I love you " I cried gasping when I felt his hand twitch beneath my own.

   He took a deep breath his eyes opened slightly and he got out one word before completely passing out again. "Moses" he muttered.

  I gasped and started sobbing loudly. "Please wake back up baby please what about Moses" I cried and then I heard Stephanie gasp from behind me.

  "He did this" Stephanie mumbled before she started crying loudly and made me realize what she meant. "He hurt him" I said quietly . Micho's own father had done this to him. He hurt him to the point that he may never recover and be the father, the brother, the son, the boyfriend he had been again.

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