Chapter Twenty-Three

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Authors note: Hey guys 😁Here's Chapter Chapter Twenty-Two🔥 Hope you enjoy the story don't forget to comment and leave your votes.

  The twins were turning a year old in two days and me and Steph were closer than me and Zoe at this point. We were still besties but Steph had a kid she knew how to relate to me Zoe didn't

   Me and Steph were gonna have a sleep over tonight and go have a girls night and we were gonna go shopping for the twins. We were currently holed up in my room giggling like 14 year olds.

   Micho and Ricky(his brother in law aka Stephanie's Husband) were down stairs with Tina and Max, Tyler and the twins. Tina was at work yup she had finally found a job working at subway.

  "So obviously you guys have done the deed but how was it?" she asked me and I giggled. "You really wanna know how mine and your brothers sex was like?" I asked and she thought it over for a second  and nodded yes. "Well the first time, we were drunk but it was still wow he was a little rough and when I woke up he was tracing my tattoo on my hip and saying sorry because he had been to rough the second time was just oh my we did it in the shower (giggle and blush)" I said and she squealed loudly. "He really is head over heels in love with you girl" she said and I smiled.

  "Coming in" Micho yelled and I gasped. "Noooo go away Micho" Steph yelled back but the door opened revealing a grinning Micho. "YOU EASEDROPPER!" I screamed and jumped up and tackled him, He wrapped his arms around my waist and fell on his back.

   "Maybe just a little" he whispered and Steph pulled a pillow to cover her face. "You aren't getting any sex any time soon that was a private conversation" I whispered back and he frowned deeply. "Babbbyyy" he whined and I shook my head no. He smiled and kissed me causing me to giggle and kiss him back. "I wanted a goodnight kiss before you girls left" he said and I smiled. "I love you baby girl" he said causing me to smile and peck his lips "I love you too and I'll be back" I said and he frowned.

   "Last time you left me you almost left me forever" he whispered with watery eyes. "I promise I'll be back I'll call you when I get to her house and when Imma go to bed and when I wake up okay?" I asked and he nodded and he kissed my head.

  He helped me pack a small bag with what I needed and then he walked me to the car. "Mammmaaaa" the twins yelled and came stumbling outside and reached their arms out toward me. I laughed and picked them both up and kissed their heads. "I love you guys" I said and they both giggled. "Wuv chu too" they said and I smiled. "Where chu gowing?" Nadia asked and I pointed at Steph. "Me and Aunt Steph are gonna go hang out for a little while okay" I said and she nodded and her little curles bounced on her head.

Aidan had came along way in the last two weeks which had us, his doctors and everyone else in complete shock, but we all couldn't be happier at how fast he was catching up to his sister. I had a leg brace still on one of my legs but was doing just fine with it, I took my sling off my arm yesterday because I felt like I could move it enough on my own even though the doctor said to keep it in it for another week.

A couple of bruised ribs now were still healing but I was doing great and was making due. I had to put on quite a bit of makeup to cover all the bruises on my face that were still trying to heal because it seemed to scare the kids when they saw how different I looked. Not that I could blame them I looked like a zombie from the wreck.

  I handed them over to Ricky, Micho had his arms crossed staring every where but at me. I sighed and grabbed his face in my hands and kissed him. He grabbed my hips and kissed me back passionately.  When we drew away he was still frowning. "I promise I'll call its only one day Micho" I said and he nodded. "I love you Nav" he whispered in my ear causing me to smiled. "Wuv chu too" I said and he chuckled and kissed my head and let me go. "Take care of her Steph" he said and she nodded and kissed Ricky and then Tyler's head. "Love you guys" she said and hugged her brother.

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