Chapter 4 Superman

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The next morning I took Cameron downstairs to eat breakfast . I'd notice this boy that goes to my school. His name is Landez. He is so fine. His body was so sexy and he had dimples and bright teeth and that nappy temp fade. Landez was the most respected boy in our school. He was in the drug business . I had been crying all night I was heartbroken that my mother put a nigga before her kids. I guess he felt me staring at him and we locked eyes . I turned my head and wiped my tears. Omg! He coming over here. He said , "what you doing here Courtney ?" His pretty teeth and smile brightened my day just a little. I just smiled at him. "You ok?", He asked. I just said yes, deep down inside I just wanted to burst out in tears. " Tears say otherwise ," he said. I stared into his pretty honey eyes. " Come to my room after little man get through eating ", he says. Cameron was finishing his juice so he lead us to his room . "Dammnn", I said. Landez room was big as hell. He turned on cartoons for Cameron. Then he asked why was I upset . We started to talk ......

"Damnnn" , he said . "so you telling me your mama put you and your brother who has down-syndrome out with nowhere to go?" , "Yea", I replied . "that's foul", he mumbled. " And she got me fired ", I added. He told me ,"I've always had a crush on you." I started blushing. "awwww I got you blushing", he said while poking my dimple. " shut up, no you don't ", I said. " I like females with attitudes ," he said . This nigga so fine and he knows it too.

" Come on Ma", he said . " Where we going?" I replied . " Me, you bad little man about to check out", he said . " I have nowhere to go". " You going home .... to my house". he said . I could almost cry. We went to our floor and gathered our things. We checked out and then drove for about 20 minutes. We pulled up to a big ass house . " Where are we ?," I asked . Home he said with a smile. I gave him the biggest hug. He was enjoying the hug too I could tell cause his private was on hard and his hands were wandering. I pulled back when I felt his private poking me .

He showed me and Cameron our rooms and he carried a all of our things into them, he's such a gentleman . I took Cameron by the hand we toured the house. His room is the size of a building it was decorated nice for him to be a hood nigga too. It was getting late so I put Cameron in the tub and put him on his Jammie's. I fed him and was about to put him to bed. " what you doing girl?", Landez asked. "It's 9'o clock he gotta go to bed", I said . "Nah , come on lil man", he told Cameron. They went downstairs , I followed . They stared to play Wii Sports on the Wii. I went and took a shower I looked across the hall after getting out the shower and tying my hair down. Landez had put Cameron to sleep. The bond they made was instant.

*Head Thoughts*

Landez always used to look at me at school . I used to ignore him like I didn't notice. Can't stunt I always had a crush on him. I was just playing hard to get.

I snapped out of my thoughts and put on my night clothes. I had a big black ass t-shirt on. Landez walked in the room . He sat on the bed. " you comfortable ?" He asked. " Yea I'm good ", I replied . He stared in my eyes and said " I know I can trust you , and you need a job ", he said. "Go on", I said . " I need you to count money at the trap or at least watch them cause some nigga been stealing". " The trap ?" I asked. "Don't act like yeen know I'm with the drug business ", he said. " I know that but that's a dangerous job boo", I said in concern. " Ain't nobody gone fuck witcha plus you'll stay strapped." I took in what he said.. "Plus they know not to fuck with what's mine", he said " Yours?" I asked. " Yea", he said . He snuck a kiss. I started blushing . He asked for my phone and logged his number in. He texted his self to save my number also . He saved his number as " future bae". I blushed and got comfortable under the comfortable.

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