Chapter 1 || Mornings With Ten Idiots

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No matter where I am, or how long it's been, I always wake up like this.

Wake up, Sleepyhead! Wake up, Sleepyhead!

I threw my covers off my body and saw A-Capella stirring.

"You know," she opened her eyes, "It's cute how you still have that alarm clock. Even if we don't live with our parents anymore."

"It reminds me of my dad, that's all," I smiled, "and I do like the song."

That's right. Me and my idiot friends all live in the same house now. Five rooms, each shared by two people, a pool, a kitchen which always happens to get empty every week, a living room, an office which is probably mainly used by me, and a laundry room that is also mainly used by me. Yeah, none of my friends like chores but they sure love to eat. A-Capella finished taking a shower and I got in, starting to think about what I was gonna wear. Of course, I chose 'leave me alone'.

I took an improved black off the shoulder long-sleeve shirt with a golden skull on it, some jeans, and some scary black combat boots with gold spikes. Yep. If I had to kick anyone, I better have it hurt. I put on some sunscreen and chapstick and I was out the door. Yep. No makeup. Can't say the same for A-Capella, though.

"Hurry up, A-Capella!" I called to her, "Your makeup can wait!"

I walked down the stairs and began to make breakfast. I heard footsteps and saw water birds flying near my face, so I called, "Morning, Guppy!"

"Hi!" she said.

"Ready for second grade, soon?" I said, picking her up and putting her on my hip.


Last year was eighth grade. We were at the top of the haystack. And now, we're in ninth grade. The freshmen. And those sophomores, juniors, and seniors... are obviously not gonna like us.

"Morning, cupcake."

I turned to see Wildcard coming down the stairs. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Stop the public affection," Guppy raised an eyebrow, "I'm seven!"

"Turning eight," I said, pecking her nose.

"Aw," I heard a laugh from the ramp, "It's like one small little family. You've got the mom, the dad, and the little Guppy."

"Wheels," we all turned to look at him.

"He's got a point though," Wildcard shrugged.

"What? That we're a mom and dad? You're not responsible enough to be a dad," I scoffed.

"I know that. But you're responsible enough to be a mom," he smirked.

"Stop it," I said before he kissed my lips.

"Had to do that before Guppy killed me."

"Yeah. I can smell your guys' love," Guppy frowned, "And it confuses me."

"Is the food almost ready?" Noodles whined as he slithered down the stairs.

I turned to face him.

"I'm carrying an eight-year-old on my hip, serving ten people, cooking with one hand... do you really think I'll be done that fast?"

He pouted.

"Fine, it's gonna be done in three minutes."

"Yes!" he fist pumped the air.

A-Capella walked down the stairs, once in a while making sure her heels were looking okay.

"I'm ready!"

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