Chapter 9 || Gone In A Flash

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We were all getting some rest and I was having the best dream of my life...

There was Missy. Standing in a meadow of flowers. Her face was filled with radiant bliss. Her jacket was metallic black. Her eyes were glimmering with mischief and surprise, as if anything could pop up like a kiss to my cheek or a tickle to my stomach. And she stepped closer to me. And closer. Like the world didn't exist.

Like we weren't stuck in this world together with the whole world resting on our shoulders. Without any boundaries for how close we could become without a paparazzi bouncing head over heels for more gossip. As if we could be heroes under the cloak of invisibility and kiss when it was all over... without the flashing of the cameras disturbing the darkness behind my closed eyelids.

And she came closer. And I smelled her faint scent. Of fresh lilies from the valley fifteen minutes away from the Heroics' headquarters. The one we used to collect flowers from all day after training. Where we'd lay out in the grass, soaking up the sunlight and letting nature blow us away. Like we were feathers on clouds. 

She was one foot away from me, staring into my eyes with that cute smile on her pink, perfect lips. And she came one step closer, sticking her hand into mine. And she crashed her lips on mine. And I smelled lilies, accompanied by the taste of raspberries in her kiss. When she pulled away, she put her arms around my neck, resting on my shoulders.

"Why can't this last forever?" she whispered before she let go and was gone in a flash.

"Wildcard! Wildcard, wake up!"

I jolted awake to see A-Capella over me.

"Someone's here."

I looked around. And out of the blue, amplified for all to hear as if there was a microphone and speakers, I heard a scream. A familiar scream.





"Ojo and Missy!" I exclaimed and ran.

"Wildcard don't--"

I bonked into... a microphone? I frowned.

"This is a speaker," I yanked it from the wood.

"How..." I looked around, "Oh my gosh... they're controlling the storms based on what we're saying and doing!"

"Isn't that right?" I heard a chilling voice say behind me.

And I turned around. It was a Velocrian. And more. And more. And more... They were in a circle. Guarding our every exit and entrance.

"Attack!" I yelled and we began to fight.

A-Capella sang while I punched a Velocrian in the face. It countered by punching me in the stomach. I tackled it and we wrestled for a long time. I... broke off its arm?

"Ew!" I exclaimed when I saw the electricity buzz.

I quickly snapped its neck and watched as it convulsed and died. I punched through another one. And another. And I kept fighting. And I electrocuted one. I punched, kicked, slashed, whatever I had to do. And then... I was looking at a dead Missy.

"Missy!" I yelled, flinging myself onto the floor next to her.


I stared at Wildcard as he flung himself next to the dead Velocrian. What? What was he even doing? That wasn't Missy.

"Missy! I'm so sorry..." Wildcard was saying.

I frowned, looking behind him. And I mentally groaned. Of course, the Velocrians were masters of holograms and making things look different. I grabbed him and pulled him to where I was previously standing.

"It's just a Velocrian. They tricked you with a hologram."

He nodded.

"Thanks..." he breathed.

We continued fighting.

"Ahhh!" I sang to one.

Back with the Heroics...

Ms. Vox watched as her daughter sang, deafening the hideous creature.

"GO A-CAPELLA!" she screamed.

A-Capella kicked through one, grabbed its arm, and pulled hard before Wildcard sliced its head clean off. They worked together as one force. Tech-no cheered. A-Capella motioned for Wildcard and the others to put their hands to their ears to plug them. Finally, the Velocrians screamed when A-Capella let out her sonic scream.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she sang and the Velocrians cried hard before fleeing.

"YEAH A-CAPELLA!" Wildcard cheered when she had finished.

They all group hugged and celebrated.

"That's my girl!" Ms. Vox clapped her hands together.

Back with the Velocrian King...

"That's not fair..." he stood up, "I always win!"

He glared at the screen.

"Who did this? Who did that sonic scream that scared away my lieutenants?"

He eyed the certain light-brown haired girl, who was cheering.

"That one," he smirked, "Get ready, sweetheart. You'll see what's the price for messing with the Velocrian King..."

Back with Wildcard...

"That was brilliant, A-Capella!" I exclaimed giving her a hug, "Now let's keep going."

We kept walking, making sure the coast was clear ahead.

"That was great work back there, A-Capella," I said.

No response.


I turned to see...

A-Capella being dragged away by the Velocrians.

"A-CAPELLA!" I screamed, running after her.

"MMM!" she yelled through the duct tape on her mouth--at least I hope it was duct tape.

She dug her palms in the dirt, but it was no use. And she was dragged away.

"A-CAPELLA!" I screamed and when I turned the corner... she was gone.

I sank to the floor.

"A-CAPELLA!" I yelled again.

Just like that. My friend was gone in a flash before my eyes.

Back with the Heroics...

"A-CAPELLA!" Ms. Vox screamed when her daughter was dragged away.

Suddenly, two figures dropped in from the top of their imprisonment.

A-Capella and Ojo.





They all hugged but then, A-Capella pulled away.

"You're dead!"

"No, sweetie, we were eaten."

"Yeah... you're dead!"

"No. The stomach is a chamber of imprisonment," Marcus explained, "We're in the monster's stomach right now."

"It's huge!"

Ojo suddenly stiffened.

"Ugh! How can I draw to Missy when I only have a stylist! I don't have my iPad!" she exclaimed.

"Had another vision?" A-Capella asked.

"Yep. And I better draw it before I forget it."

Before it would be gone in a flash.

Tough Thoughts - Mildcard - We Can Be Heroes the ThreequelWhere stories live. Discover now