Chapter 15 || Prison Clues

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When I saw Wildcard and Missy's teams struggling, and the two in pain from not being with each other, I knew I had to spill to Marcus Moreno. But not... directly. He had to figure it out himself.

"Are you sure?" A-Capella hissed to me, "Missy could kill us for it."

"Wanna let Marcus get mad later on?"




Ojo was still drawing on the wall, making sure to check her batteries once in a while so she had enough. Slo-mo was trying to make popcorn with a curling iron... which I had no idea A-Capella had in her jacket, and popcorn kernels, which I also didn't know Slo-mo had in his pockets. Marcus Moreno was fast asleep, taking a nap in the corner.

"Guys!" I hissed to all the Heroics.


"This is an emergency. Huddle now!"

They all huddled together and I whispered to them.

"Okay, Missy is dating Wildcard."

Some Heroics gasped, some were stoic.

"Does Marcus--"

"That's the point," A-Capella interrupted, "Mr. Moreno doesn't know because Missy didn't want to tell him."

"Why wouldn't she tell her dad that she's--"

"You know Mr. Moreno," I gave my dad a look.

"Oh... he's the protective dad."


"So... don't say anything, but we're gonna try and get him to figure it out."

The Heroics all nodded. And we waited for Marcus to wake up.


"Isn't Mildcard cute?" I finally said.

"Mildcard?" Marcus turned, "What do you mean? Do you mean... Wildcard?"


"What's Mildcard?"

"Mildcard's Mildcard."

"It makes no sense--"

"Mild... card... MILDCARD," A-Capella hinted.

"Is that some new television game or something?"

"Your daughter and Wildcard are very cute," Tech-no hinted at where this was going.

"Yeah, they're cute children. Nice kids, too," Marcus Moreno smiled, "You know, Missy's never lied about anything in her whole life to me."

We all shared a glance.

"Yeah..." I said, "Never."

I pulled A-Capella and Ojo to the side, and Slo-mo came over.

"What do we do?" I hissed, "This is sad! LIKE REALLY SAD!"

"No kidding!"

"Please tell me you've--"

"Nope. No plan."

"So we've gotta hint a dad that his daughter's dating a boy that he's known since he was in diapers and... just... POOF?"

"Yeah," A-Capella shrugged.


I watched as the Velocrians passed by again.

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