Chapter 22 || Free At Last

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Missy would kill me if I ever said this to her, but as I stood, staring at her as she faced the monster, I couldn't help but feel so proud of her. My princess. Who didn't like being called princess. But liked it when I called her it, no matter how cheesy that nickname was. So Missy waited for the monster to rise up and the whole room quaked. We were thrown around, watching the monitor.

The robot had began to move. And Missy was calculating from afar, trying to figure out how to get the robot to die. She couldn't destroy the metal. She couldn't burn it. She couldn't punch it and expect it to crack open. She'd have to short out the batteries somehow. And for me, I knew Missy was no computer expert. So as the monster struck, Missy dove away.


If this giant was anything like Hephaestus' large metal giant from Percy Jackson or something, it'd be a lot prettier. And a lot easier to kill. So I dove away as it struck at me again and circled it, trying to figure out how to get those batteries out of it without being... well... torn apart. I ran around like a headless chicken, trying to find the battery pack. And I saw it. But those batteries were huge. And I risked getting electrocuted.

So I climbed up, ignoring the PTSD of the aliens' attack last year. The robot saw me and tried to grab me, slamming its hands down on me like I was some fly. I reached its battery back and grabbed my sword, using it as a screwdriver. The plate popped out and I saw the electric sparks on the two huge batteries. I screamed and leaped for the other side of the batteries as the giant's hand slapped down hard next to me.

The whole planet seemed to be shaking. My whole world was shaking. I stabbed my sword into the wire spring connecting the batteries on one end and yanked upwards. That battery made the robot unstable as it swung at me. Then, I realized... without the batteries, I couldn't get my friends out of its stomach! So I tricked it.

"How do you get people out of your stomach?"

"RARR!" it yelled before throwing me off its back.

Okay, that didn't work. I looked around for any instruction's manual. Like... how to free prisoners? How to burst a robot open so you can reach its stomach? Though... robot aren't supposed to have stomachs... I heard the monster tear apart the king's throne and I quickly ran down the halls of the palace, hoping to find the king's room.

I burst through the doors and fumbled around. There had to be some way to make my friends get pooped out or something... and then I found it. The assistant's creation pamphlet. I opened it and began to read.

In order to make the monster's stomach prison open, you must either have a key, or electrically short out the lock on its stomach. The key is only in the king's suit, which he has recently burned after imprisoning beings in the stomach.


I heard growling and quickly tried to find a source of electricity. And that's when I saw it. A lamp with a cord. A long cord. So I did what Wheels would do. I yanked the cord out of the base of the lamp, seeing the wires. And when the monster tore down the door, I jumped onto its back, grabbing the batteries and throwing them out. I fell onto the floor and rolled out of the way as the monster collapsed next to me.

I heard screams and thumping, which made me reassured that my friends were inside the monster's stomach, getting constantly thrown around. I grabbed the wire and put it in the lock hole, where the key would normally go. And I took a deep breath, holding the wire in place while plugging the cord in the wall.

I felt the buzzing below my fingers and saw the blue electricity crackling and almost screaming. I blocked out my memories. And when it was done, I saw the lock spin, and the stomach opened up. And I saw the one person I wanted to see right now.


He leaped out of there and gave me a huge hug. My bones were broken. I had blood running all over my body. I was dirty. I was dehydrated. But I was alive. And I was hugging him like it was the last time. And even if my body needed all the water it could get, I began to cry. I cried into his shoulder and he patted my back, comforting me. And he began to cry, too.

"Aw..." A-Capella and Wheels said simultaneously.

And this time, Wildcard and I were too busy crying into one another that we didn't care. Then... I saw my dad. He looked... mad. I stood quietly as he marched on over.

"You were dating Wildcard and you didn't tell me?!"

I looked around at my friends and they all shrugged nervously.

"Well... yeah... because I thought you'd blow up and freak like you normally do. Sorry..."

Dad took another look at me before laughing.

"Why would I blow up if you told me it was Wildcard?"

All the kids began to splutter and stare at him. Same with the Heroics.

"Wildcard's a great kid! Why wouldn't I want him to date my daughter?"

"WHAT?!" we all exclaimed.

"Yeah. At least he's not like that dude you--" he started.

"Dad... not right now," I gave him a look.

"Oh..." he nodded and whispered in my ear, "But remember. Tell people things before you lose them."

Ojo walked up.

"Can I have my iPad?"

I handed her the cracked device and she gave me a huge hug.

"Sorry, it's broken. It didn't have a nice time falling into the gorge," I chuckled nervously.

"Who cares about that? I can buy another iPad!" Ojo hugged me again. "But no one can buy another Missy."

So we all hugged as the spaceship cruised over.

"Found some TNT." I said, smirking as I showed them the huge amounts of TNT.

"Well... let's get on the ship and blow those bad boys up," Wildcard laughed, "This planet's gank!"

"What's... gank?"

"Don't listen to Wildcard," A-Capella shook her head.

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