Chapter 26 || Ruined?

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We were all set. The guest house was ready, I had ordered dinner for all of us, I had even hung balloons and set up fireworks, which apparently, had to be authorized with some stupid license. I looked around, making sure everything was perfect. It was 3 PM. Wildcard and the others would be back home in three hours. Well, the boys at least. I had told the girls to escape school at 3 to go get dressed up. 

I ran upstairs and began to wash my hair, put on some nice makeup, and pick out a cute dress to wear. I dried my hair, making sure my curls were absolutely perfect. I applied some makeup, doing a cool black eyeshadow look and some white diamond eyeliner and eyeshadow for a pop. I did some nude lipstick and decided on a black cami body-con dress. It was sparkly, which... for some reason, I liked.

Same with the heels. Which I didn't like, but they matched the dress and A-Capella would be totally dead if she saw me with mismatched outfit choices.


Ben and his goons stayed late, ready to leave after their football game. It was 6 PM and then, they saw the lovely arrows Missy had painted on the floor. A note was attached.

Wildcard, follow these arrows :)

"Let's do it," they snickered and threw the note in the garbage.

Back to Missy...

I heard the beeping and walked outside. I was expecting to see Wildcard, but guess who I saw?

Mr. Jerky Pants.

Ben Howard.

"BEN?!" I screamed.

"Sup, cutie?"

"What? Don't call me cutie!"

And our infinite fighting began.


I had been dying to go home, but Ralph told us to come back at like... 6. So when I headed to the bus, I couldn't help but notice that the arrows lead straight to the bus.

"Why do these arrows lead to the bus?" Slo-mo asked.

"And where did the girls go?"

"Bushwell Salon!"

"Why are we at the--holy shnikees!" Facemaker gasped when he saw the girls.

"Why were you at the salon?"

"Missy told us to go there... and we just followed the arrows to the salon."

"So this is Missy..." I frowned, staring at the floor.

"And we're heading home!"

We were the only ones on the bus so I blasted music and began to party. When we got off, there were more blue arrows leading through the open back gate.

"That's weird... the gate to the backyard's never open..."

I pushed past the wooden door to see... Missy with... BEN?!

"No you shove off, you worthless douchebag!" she screamed, shoving him.

"Oh? You're gonna shove me?"

Ben shoved her harder.

"Maybe you and your problems should just get out of my life! You're ruining everything and I don't need you to continue doing that!"

"Maybe you and your slut-faced curls should start following the Howard rules!"

"And who said they're your rules?!" Missy said, slapping him across the face, "All I asked you once in sixth grade was for you to stop dating me and you didn't listen!"

Tough Thoughts - Mildcard - We Can Be Heroes the ThreequelWhere stories live. Discover now