Chapter 5 || Finding Velocrysis

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"The people behind all these attacks are people called the Velocrians. Velocrians are vicious and supremely intelligent. Just think... Wheels," Ojo pointed at Wheels and I wriggled my eyebrows at A-Capella, "They created robots to attack Earth from my visions. Their planet is filled with red dirt. Think of a desert. But it has plants of all kinds that none of us even know about."

"Whoa..." Rewind glanced out the glass.

"And there it is."

I stared.

"It's like a big rusty red gumball." Facemaker made a weird face.

Ojo stopped her ship and the moment we stepped out, it flew away.

"Why'd it fly away?"

"This planet must be dangerous. My spaceship can sense danger. If it feels a lot, it will fly to a close by different planet for safe parking."

"Why?" Slo-mo asked.

"Well, because... if I don't park it somewhere safe, it can get destroyed, and space ships are expensive as heck!"

"Wow," I laughed before looking around.

"This place is icky!"

"Don't say it. They might be able to hear us."

With the Velocrian King....

"Sir, these children have arrived on Velocrysis."

"Good. Now... let's see..." he scanned the children.

"Ah," he looked at Wildcard and Missy, "They have matching bracelets. They must be either brother or sister or..."

"Girlfriend and boyfriend--"

"DON'T SAY IT! I hate love... Give me a cheese cube!"

He continued staring at the children.

"Ah..." he saw Rewind and Fast Forward, "They're twins... They're features are so much alike."

He scanned the crowd and saw Ojo drawing with her iPad.

"She's not from Earth, is she?" he raised an eyebrow when purple tentacles sprouted out of her back and felt around.

He looked at Missy.

"That one has no powers!" he laughed, "Easy."

He looked at Noodles.

"Ah... he has no one."

He continued looking until he felt satisfied.


"Yes, milord?"

"Bring on the storm. And separate the few I picked."

The king handed the servant a paper.

"Yes, milord. One storm coming up."

Suddenly, he heard the powerless girl gag.

"This place is icky!"


"Sh! They might be able to hear us!" the girl with the iPad hissed.

"Smart girl," the king raised an eyebrow, "Hopefully, she goes first."

He pulled up another piece of paper.

"For now... let's see what my plan is for the Junior Heroics... and their takedown."

"Sir, all the cameras are now displayed on your grid."

Tough Thoughts - Mildcard - We Can Be Heroes the ThreequelWhere stories live. Discover now