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Chapter Five -Catherine's POV

Walking into my first class at Dunnet University, I found I wasn't truly as focused as I should be, especially for some one who had arrived late weeks in to the semester.

Moreover, every time I tried to focus on school, I simply couldn't. All I could think about was going to that party tonight.

I don't even know what or where the ledges are, but I can't wait to find out.

There was also another thought prevailing through my mind, almost overwhelmingly at this point. That was of course, my guilty pleasure and my yearn for coke.

If I wanted to make it through this year successfully, I needed to find a dealer.

Truly, I just need to find some freaking cocaine at this point, in general.

I could only fit so much into my bag, and with the anxiety that I've been having since I journeyed on the flight yesterday, I will need to re-up sooner, rather than later.

I have enough to get me through at least a week, but after that, I'm completely screwed.

Hopefully Evelynn is chill about the concept of coke...From what I've seen so far, I wager that she would be. However, you never really about people's true intentions or feelings, especially regarding something such as recreational drug use. Often times, perspectives are extremely tedious to comprehend.

After pulling myself out of my consistent, overbearing mind, I look around the class and try to find a seat that will draw little attention to myself. It's always so awkward going into a class for the first time.

But, what is even more uncomfortable, however, is enrolling in a new school three weeks late.

On top of not knowing anyone, there's also the unease of the social hierarchy, and even things as basic as seating arrangements in a classroom.

If you've ever gone to a primary school, you'd know just how cruel people are if you take their seats before they walk in the room.

In my past experiences at school, most students have literally view their seats in class as a claimed territory, and I'm really not trying to start drama with anyone on the first day.

I choose a seat towards the back of the room and try not to be seen.

Students begin to filter in to the classroom around me and I keep my head down to try to avoid any and all contact.

When I'm sober, I'm not as outgoing as I would like to be, but that's okay.

Less people bother me that way.

I open my bag and take out that pamphlet the Dean gave me yesterday. I should probably look at it now, since I have no idea what class I'm even in or where I'm going to next. All I knew when I looked briefly this morning was the room number I was supposed to go to.

I asked Evelynn to walk me to class, and now, here I am.

The classroom is really nice though. It's in a large room with floor to ceiling windows that overlook the quad. The whole building is made out of stone, so the room also has the exposed stone shown, which really gives it a rustic feel. It would typically seem dark and dreary with all the exposed stone, but the windows all for a vast amount of light to peer in and It's really quite beautiful.

I halt myself out of my thoughts and peer down at my obscene schedule. Classes, classes, and more classes fill the paper Yet, I still can't seem to derive myself from my own wandering mind.

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