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Chapter Fourteen - Catherine's POV

A/N: Part 2 of the Double Update, Make sure you read Chapter 13 first!!! Enjoy :)

Well, it didn't last long.

Even when Harry is high as fuck, he is still a dick.

I really don't get the appeal of this guy.

The past thirty minutes he's tried to tell me about how I shouldn't be wasting my time with Elton, how stupid I am to think that someone actually stalked me the other night, and how I should be grateful he's even "wasting his time talking to me".

I've tried to tell him I don't care, that I don't trust Harry's judgement on anything, to which he got upset about and started to use that defense mechanism of his and knock me down even more.

Jokes on him though, because I've played that game my entire life. Words really don't impact me much.

Thank God I only have thirty minutes left listening to him, I don't know how much more I can take.

I've smoked most of the dab, and I don't want to have to refill it, especially around Harry because I think I might kill him if he smokes anymore of my shit.

Speaking of drugs, though... I am still at a loss for words about what happened earlier. How we all got off the hook for possession is just baffling to me.

Furthermore, I'm confused as to what happened to the cocaine that was in my room.

I know it was in there. I left it right in my suitcase. I really don't think someone would've taken it to save me from getting into trouble, either.

But, if no one did, and if the Dean is as strict as she lets off, wouldn't she find it easily and punish me more? It wasn't hidden, at all.

I know our door was locked, because I was the last person to leave the room. There's no way someone went in there unless they had a key, and I really don't think Evelynn would steal my shit, especially since she didn't even know I had it.

The only thing I could think about was that maybe the Dean saw it and ignored it? But it seems too far fetched.

I don't think that scenario is even a realistic one, with the way she is talked about "narcotic use" and how she holds herself, it seems like she prides the entire university on it's prestigious reputation. Plus, she really enjoys charging people money and getting them to do her dirty work as punishment. I feel like if she could, she would stack on punishment after punishment for any little thing.

I mean, come on, how ironic is it that I have to be in this room right now sorting through old documents? This is a historian's job, right? My dad paid for this room, and now I have to sit here and organize everything? This is so ridiculous.

I also am still really confused about what happened with Harry on the beach. I thought if I shared some of my pen with him, maybe he would open up about it. But, even after he smoked five hits, he still got angry when I brought it up.

I think he is hiding something from me.

The whole Bre thing just doesn't make sense and that letter was threatening as fuck.

I think there is something he "knows" and he is trying to ignore it and move his anger onto other people.

I mean, Bre annoys the fuck out of me, but she worships at his feet. What she did was fucked up earlier when she texted us to come into her room while blowing Harry, and I'm not really sure what her goal was with it. Everyone knew they were sleeping together, I think Harry probably sleeps with half the school at this point. But, besides that, it's highly unlikely Bre would do something that intense to him.

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