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Chapter Twenty Three - Harry's POV

A/N: TW: Mention of Suicide

Moving the body was the easy part. Or at least, I thought it was.

The boys didn't, however. They complained through the entire process.

"God! Was Elton taking steroids, too? He shouldn't be this heavy with three of us carrying him!" James protests.

"Thank God we're almost to the top of the hill, no one is going to sleep with us if we smell like sweat! Did you consider that, Harry?" Chandler cries in annoyance.

"How much longer?!"

"My legs are about to give out!"

Oh for Christ's Sake.

"Would you two just shut it and help?! You think you'd be less inclined to complain about your smell or his weight, and rather the fact that we're getting rid of a dead body! It certainly is a change of pace from thirty minutes ago when you thought your whole world was falling apart! I don't understand you two at all!" I bicker, as I look back to take in their responses.

They both stay silent, with scowls covering their faces.

Yeah, exactly. Food for thought. That'll shut them up.

Once we finally make it to the top of the cliff, I take in the large fall that will occur once we throw Elton over the edge.

It's at least two hundred feet, and at the bottom lies a plethora of sharp rocks.

His body isn't going to look pretty after this.

Well, it already didn't look great, but it was about to get a lot worse.

Nonetheless, it will certainly mask the damage we did to him.

However, this is what needed to be done. Simply placing him on the rocks was not only a danger to us, but it also was a hazard, as that may lead people to not believe it was a suicide. If Elton's body didn't mimic a self inflicted jump, we were screwed. The act of just placing his body on the rocks would surely not contribute to the impact of the fall, and it would look suspicious if an autopsy was conducted. Therefore, us throwing his body onto the rocks below is our most strategic option, for everyone involved.

We need to take every precaution possible, because we only get one shot to make sure this doesn't get fucked.

Or else, we have the rest of our lives to pay for it.

I take a deep breath and attempt to allow myself to relax a bit.

This is a good plan, one that I need to have more confidence in.

Sure, we still have a ton of shit to do, but the fact that my father and I came up with this plan in the span of a few minutes makes me feel a lot more optimistic for the future, especially regarding how our asses are about to be saved and our lives won't be ruined.


I never thought that moving a dead body and staging a suicide would be on the easier side of the plan I had created, but here we are.

The three of us are standing at the edge of a cliff, about to throw a body down onto obscenely sharp rocks below, and praying for the heavens that this is perceived as a suicide.

But, this is the easiest part of the night, because what comes next is going to be the difficult role.

On top of the fact that we have to go back and scrub the entire cave, as well as find a safe space to rid our gloves and wash any blood on our clothes, the hardest part of the night will be trying to rid the entire scene from our heads as we intervene into the party we so abruptly left earlier in the evening. And, we have to do all of this while also managing our own emotions, which will surely be filled with regret, fear and anxiety.

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