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Chapter Sixteen - Catherine's POV

Well, today's been interesting -- to say the least.

How the hell have I only been at Dunnet for three days?

With everything that's gone on in the past seventy two hours, I feel like I've been here for a lifetime.

Should I leave? Call my dad and tell him that I don't feel comfortable here? Should I be honest and fill him in on what's going on?

Would that even work?

He'd probably laugh and tell me to get over it. Maybe he'd make fun of me, saying I'm just being a child and that I need to toughen up. He might even say I'm overreacting and lying about this entire situation, just to try to be able come home.

I'll admit, I've made some things up to cover my ass and go back home when things didn't work out at a school in the past... I did plant drugs in my own room once to leave a school, I've gotten into a few fights, amongst some other things; but those were simply because I didn't want to be at the school for my own reasons, not because I was concerned about my well being.

With something as serious as this, I think there's a clear line between creating false scenarios for my own selfish reasons, and genuinely being nervous about having a literal stalker at a new school.

Furthermore, I wouldn't fabricate anything that I've experienced. Specifically, when it involves something as serious as lurking and sending threatening letters.

Especially after everything that's happened in my past.

However, the relationship my dad and I share right now, isn't one that is a very strong one. I'm sure I didn't make it any better after that phone call last night, either.

After all, I was the one who was rude to him when he called me last night to check in. He called me to see how I was doing, and I yelled at him.

Sure it was a combination of the drugs and the fact that Harry was listening in, but I was really mad at my dad, too. I just didn't have anything to say to him, and him calling me to check in suddenly, rubbed me the wrong way. Especially after he sent me away so quickly, without even saying goodbye.

I mean, who doesn't even say goodbye to their own daughter before shipping them off to another country?

He is a really heartless person.

To my own point, though, I think he knows home isn't where I really want to be if I had a choice.

Home hasn't felt like home for a long time.

However, with everything that's been happening in Scotland, I'm debating whether it actually might be worth it to tap out, and try to go back to the States, or even see if I can live with another one of my family members, if the semester continues to move the way it is currently going.

Is that what I really want, though?

I'm not usually one to tap out when things get rough.

But, if it's only been three days and events such as this are already occurring, what's still to come?

Surely, it won't be pretty.

Despite all the anxiety and anger I've felt from last night and today, though, I have to admit, being at Dunnet so far has been extremely intriguing.

It's certainly kept me on my toes, and there's some damn good drugs here, too.

There's been good, and there's been bad, within the last seventy two hours in Scotland.

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