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Chapter Eighteen - Catherine's POV

I was well aware I wasn't going to be able to sleep, after I had the conversation with Evelynn earlier in my room.

It wasn't that I was feeling guilty for not confiding with her about the fact that someone was stalking me. Or the fact that someone also hid my drugs, and then brought them to me, along with a contradictory note, either.

Truly, it was more of the fact that there was literally someone in my only safe space, which has come to be my dorm room, and the fact they were also going through my things; which makes me extremely uncomfortable.

What's also confusing to me, is the purpose of the note, and the way that I am supposed to interpret it.

Do I take it as threatening or do I view it as something else?

I mean, they said I was safe, but they also said, for now. Which leads me to believe that I'm not really safe, in the long run.

So... Is it a threat? Is it a warning?

How do I interpret this?

Even more so, who the hell is doing this?

I'll be honest, Evelynn is an amazing friend, so far.

I've only known her for three days, but it seems she has my best interests, and we share a lot of similarities. I haven't had someone who I have been able to relate to so quickly before, and I really enjoy the concept of it.

I keep going back and forth on the friendship, but that is something that I am certain of.

Because of that, though, lying to her wasn't something I was proud of. Nonetheless, it still had to be done, just in case.

As I've said time and time again, I'm still not sure if I can trust her, and with something this serious, I need to keep as much to myself as I can.

So, after James showed up to our room and Evelynn left to go help him hide his stash, I made my way towards the library.

I knew no one would be there this late at night, and if they were, they certainly wouldn't spend their time in the new archive room my dad donated... or so I thought.

I actually was beginning to not mind doing my homework, even though I didn't understand it. I was listening to my music and finally able to relax and clear my thoughts, until Harry showed up.

He seems to be doing that a lot lately.

I saw him out of the corner of my eye when he entered the room, and I also saw how surprised he was that I was in here this late, as well.

He should know I'm a night owl, though. I've run into him in the shower twice already in the middle of the night.

Which is another thing that is really bizarre to me...How is he always in the same place I am?

It's fucking weird.

I don't know what's up with the fact that we keep running into each other. It's almost like there's some magnetic force where we are pulled towards each other all the time.

Either that, or he's my stalker.

However, sitting here right now with Harry in front of me, I'm doubting that could even be possible.

Especially because he just had a huge tantrum and threw his phone halfway across the room.

To be blunt, I'm wishing that magnetic force backed off tonight.

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