~ *7 • H* ~

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Chapter Seven - Harry's POV

If this ecstasy doesn't kick in soon, I'm going to lose my shit.

As if my day wasn't already terrible enough.

It all started when I had to deal with that new girl Catherine almost blowing my cover about seeing me in the bathroom last night. And now, I have to worry about retaliation from Bre, too.

Who knew that was the girl James was talking about this morning? How was I supposed to know shower girl was Evelynn's new roommate?

I mean he's right, she's fit as fuck. But, I hate her already for what she did.

Why couldn't she just keep her mouth closed and act like we didn't know each other? I made myself pretty obvious from my stare that she needed to keep quiet. She was either an idiot or genuinely clueless, but either is besides the point because she fucked up, and I had to act like she was crazy for thinking we had met before.

And then there was the little event that just unfolded with Bre in the girls' room. What the hell even was that? I mean I get it, she was plastered, and I fucked her really hard last night, she probably just wanted to go for round two. But she knows how I am. I don't do PDA, especially in front of my friends and she should've known that.

So when she acted all surprised about me moving away so she couldn't sit on my lap, I was kind of shocked. She should know me by now, we fought about this so many times last year and it just makes James' point this morning even more clear; she is clearly obsessed with me, which means no more causal sex.

Sure, I might've gone a little too deep with my words, but I definitely didn't deserve what she did to me.

That bitch really slapped me. Hard too.

Usually I'd be into that, but I don't like being degraded so publicly, if you know what I mean.

For God's sake, why are women so fucking annoying?

You give them your dick once, and they act like they are these love sick puppies. It's pathetic, really.

It might sound a little hypocritical of me to say, because I'm already planning on hooking up with this senior tonight that I met in the library earlier. But, I don't really care, I have needs.

Plus this girl was fit, too. She walked right up to me when I was reading and told me that she wanted to see me tonight at the ledges, and that she could guarantee I wouldn't regret it.

I'd seen her around before, but I was only a sophomore, so I hadn't paid much attention because I figured upperclassmen would be focused on older guys.

Boy was I wrong.

She gave me her number this afternoon, and she's been texting me all evening.

We're on the same page, this is just a simple hook up.

Thank fuck some girls know how to have one.

I can't wait to fuck her, though. I'm getting hard thinking about it already.

Trying to control myself, I shake my head of my thoughts. I have all night, and I want to enjoy this ecstasy because it's rare to be able to roll, especially on a Monday evening.

I walk through the grass, making my way over to the fire. I say hello to a few of the guy's, most of them just keeping the peace so they don't get on my bad side.

I find a seat on a rock right by the bonfire, and wait for James to catch up to me.

I still have to tell him about my run in with Elton last night.

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