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Chapter Seventeen - Harry's POV

TW: Mention of quick drug use

I wake up to the beeping of my alarm clock on my phone, as I pull myself out of my deep sleep I previously ventured into.

Looking down at my device, I see it's just after eleven thirty in the evening; which means I've been asleep for at least three hours.

Who knew that those dabs Catherine gave me would fuck me up so badly?

After everything that's happened today with Bre, the Dean and her repercussions, and the interaction with Catherine about the letters, I needed that nap. My brain was simply too overwhelmed to think clearly, and the weed didn't do me any favors, either.

After our interaction earlier, I completed my homework and took a shower. I needed to take advantage of every potential distraction possible, as my brain was in a processing overload with all the new information I had learned about her, as well as the information she was trying to get out of me.

Dealing with her, especially while intoxicated, was quite difficult, and I was still upset I fell for her trap when she tried to seduce me earlier. It took a lot out of me, and I needed to completely detox after that ordeal.

The shower helped a bit, but what really allowed me to relax was roughly fucking my fist.

I needed to, after all the sexual energy that was given off earlier in the library.

Plus, I was essentially left with blue balls twice today; I really needed a release.

I didn't realize just how exhausted I was until I laid down on my bed after I finished, and I knew I needed to take a nap after plans I'd made with James and Chandler earlier. It was going to be a long night, and I needed all the sleep I could get, especially if I didn't want to miss class tomorrow.

But, who was I to turn them down when they asked me to leave campus with them for their little drug run?

I needed a distraction.

After everything that happened today, I needed to get away from this school, even if only for a bit. Furthermore, I knew I needed a distraction that didn't involve sex or drugs-- those were what had gotten me into all this bullshit in the first place.

So here I am, at almost midnight, waiting for my friends to go on a drug run in Northern Scotland.

If I was in Italy or England, it might just be another day in the regular life of Harry Styles.

However, here in Scotland, it's something that I have to act like I am phased by.

I finally turn off my alarm, and get out of my bed.

Just as I start to get ready for the events of the evening, James walks into the room and sits at his desk, presumably getting his things in order before we leave.

I walk over to my wardrobe and get dressed quickly, as I know we need to leave within the next few minutes if we want to get out of the school without being caught.

"Are we ready to go?" James asks, standing up from his desk and throwing his backpack over his shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm all good. Where's Chandler?" I ask, feeling around in my pockets, double checking that I have my knife on me.

I always carry some form of weapon on me--just in case.

"He's paying off the Resident Assistant, he told me that we should meet him down in the lobby. Also, he has his car out front, so we should be good to go."

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