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Chapter Eight - Catherine's POV

Well, I'll give Dunnet University some credit, this party is fucking amazing.

Maybe it's from the ecstasy running through my blood, or maybe it's from the tequila, but I am feeling like a million bucks.

I mean, what kind of college student gets to go out on a Monday night to have a party inside an abandoned castle? It's exactly what I needed after the shitty phone call with my father.

I'm not even sure why he called me, anyways.

I know he told Arthur to tell me to give him a call when I settled in, but I figured Arthur was just saying that to the Dean to make my father look like a good parent. When my father called me, he actually sounded concerned, like he wanted to make sure I was doing okay. It's pathetic because he was the one who basically kicked me out of the house and sent me to another country just yesterday, without even giving me a chance to explain why I had the drugs.

Sure, I don't really have an excuse as to why I had them, I just like feeling something, and drugs do that for me. But what does he expect from me? He's the one who locked me in the house all summer, what else am I supposed to do?

Honestly though, this is seeming like the best decision he's made for me. I know it's only my real first day, but if this is how school is going to go in Scotland, I might even consider staying here all four years.

I'm not even going to let frat boy rain on my parade for spying on me while I was on the phone with my dad. He's such a weird person, and I'm really hoping I don't have any other classes with him besides economics. Every time I'm around him I feel his toxic energy radiate onto everything in sight.

I'm not really sure why everyone likes him or even respects him at this school. From what I've seen so far, he's an arrogant asshole with a huge anger problem and I'm not going to surround myself with someone like that.

But, tonight isn't about negative energy, so I'm pushing that conversation I had in the woods with Harry a few minutes ago to the side.

Honestly, I'm in such a good mood right now, I could strip naked and jump off those cliffs near campus. I'm actually debating doing it later, but we'll see how tonight goes.

Evelynn seems like she's having a great time, too. The whole night, she's been hanging out with this girl Vivienne who seems really into her, though I seriously think Evelynn has a crush on James, she's been staring at him all night out of the corner of her eye.

Currently, I'm playing beer bong with Chandler and we're winning, big time.

He's not so bad on the eyes, himself.

He's clearly interested in me. He's been touching me lightly all night. Whether it's on my shoulder, my hip, or even moving behind me when he shoots his ball, I can tell he's trying to send me a message, and I'm receiving it pretty clearly.

I'm definitely interested in hooking up with him, but not tonight. Tonight is all about the chase, and I like the chase all too much.

My favorite thing to do when hooking up with someone is the period of time where someone plays hard to get. And, sadly, Chandler isn't doing that. Maybe he's just one of those people that knows what he wants, and that's fine, but I like people who I never know what they're thinking. To be honest, he's making it a little too easy for me, and tonight, with the ecstasy flooding through my system, I'm interested in seeking someone out that I have to work for.

After winning the game, by a landslide—I might add, I decide to walk around the party outside.

I can't forget my other mission tonight - to find a dealer.

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