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He keeps his sword ready for whatever attack. I draw one of my daggers from my hip.
"Be careful. Stay alert"
"Don't worry your highness, I got this" I say in a tone full of pride.
"You'll lead the way, I'll keep watch of our backs. We'll reach the last floor, it's the fifth room, ok?" He says in a whisper.
"Mhm, let's go"
He presses a latch that opens the door. As I'm about to leave, he gently pushes me back, to make sure there's no danger.
He gestures for me to get out.
"I told you I got this" the hallway is clear, not a body in sight.
We make our way to the end of the hallway, as we start hearing footsteps.
He puts out a hand on me as if telling me to back down, while taking a peek himself.
"We're good, it's a guard" he whispers
"Are you out of your mind? Anyone can dress as a guard! Play along"
I put his hand on my shoulder, as if he's injured. Tearing a piece of the bloodied cloth on my arm "hold this up your chest"
I take in a few breaths and go.
"Guard! Guard! Help!" I pretend to be panicked.
"He's injured"
"Oh- uh-" I can tell damn well he's not an actual guard by the way he reacts when he hears me.
He doesn't recognize it's the prince either.
We're a few inches away from him by now. And as soon as I notice him reaching for something, I throw my dagger to his heart.
He thuds to the ground.
I don't enjoy assassinating, but I've done it a lot, by now I'm used to it.
"Perfect aim September! Wow I'm pressed"
"There's more to a woman than just looks your highness"


Finally with careful steps we reach the room he instructed me with.
"Father!" The prince says in a harsh tone.
"Son! You're here. Good" the king says as we enter.
I find it odd. His son could've died and all he says is that?
I almsot pity him until I remember how awful he is to other people.
"And you must be lady August?"
"Yes your majesty" I say with a curtsy.
The room we're in is just like the other one, except this time it's bigger and actually looks like a room.
It's also filled with people and guards.
"Your mother's dead" He shows absolutely no emotion as he says it.
"Someone's murdered her" he says with a cough while looking at me.
He isn't thinking it's me, Is he?
"Who did it?" Fredrick says as he tries to hide the pain in his eyes.
"That's what we're here to figure out" still keeping a suspicious eye on me.
I don't actually care about the queen a bit. But a part of me feels sorry. I remember how hopeless I felt when they couldn't find my parents. It felt like my whole life came down crumbling. And I can tell that he loved her dearly.
"Where were you lady August?"
"She was with me the whole time father" he says before I can even take a breath.
"Sir, we have a problem!" One of the guards says to the king.
And finally, he's gone

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