~𝐃𝐞́𝐣𝐚̀ 𝐯𝐮~

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A couple of weeks pass by. During which we've done a dwindling amount of training.
I can't say I enjoy it, but I quite admire the peace I've got.
The moment I wake up I immediately start training. By the time the day reaches an end, I'd be longing to go to bed, and will sleep soundly.
And though I've tried to distract myself from thinking, and it might've worked for a while, but I still can't seem to erase all thoughts of the prince. And I loathe to admit that.
He keeps crawling through my thoughts without consent. Living in my head rent free the feel of his lips on mine.

Elijah has been the best as always. Giving me exactly what I need.
Though I don't think he's realized how bad of a state I'm in. But then again, he never could read through me.

Farely has decided that it's finally time for forgiveness. Which I quite admire, coming from her.

No one was keen on a plan this far.
We've decided that training at the camp is our best option yet.
Murdering the prince could wait.

Our crew is only growing by the day. With rebels joining every now and then.
In fact, I've recognized only ten percent of the whole crew.
And that's not even us all, there's still more in Whitestone base.

Not much changes have happened to Cornwell. Mainly reapir wise. But everything my father's built is intact and in perfect shape.

There's this sword training field I remember helpiinng my father build five years ago.
It's still till this day not finished. Everyone here still has hope my parents might someday return from their journey. Everyone adored them.


"August, baby bring me the hammer if you would please." Father says while crouching, building the swords' stand.
You could see the sweat dripping down his face. But you could also never miss his wide smile that streches to his eyes and creases his forehead.
"Here, father."
"Thank you."
"Oh ever the builder you are" my mom walks in on us, smiling.
Father quickly shifts all his attention to her.
"And what happened to you beautiful?" He chuckles while pointing to a dark blue splash of paint on her lovely face.
She laughs nervously while turning her back on us to wipe it, "oh that" oh God, how much I love her laugh.
"I was painting."
Father still hasn't moved his attention from her.
As mother notices his gaze, she turns to father and smiles. They hold that gaze for what is an eternity.
"Ehem, guys I'm still here."
They both burst out laughing.

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