Chapter 2 Adam

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Today is the day of my 18th birthday. I'm currently pacing, in my wolf form, waiting for Ari to arrive. Ever since I got my wolf early, almost 2 years ago, Ari insist I come in wolf form. Since we're in different packs this would be the only time, she would get to see him.

Goddess! The way this girl gets my emotions going all over the place. She makes me feel excited, nervous, anxious all rolled into one big ball of mess. She radioed me a few minutes ago and asked me to meet her at our spot. Our spot, the place where we met 3 years ago and have continued to meet up almost every day since. A low purr escapes me reliving some of our times together.

I bought us two way radios the day after we met. It drove me crazy not knowing if she made it home ok. Plus, while I waited for her to arrive the next day, I kept panicking, worrying she wasn't going to come. She did, just like she always did. She came walking through the woods looking cute as always, in her sports gear. I don't think any girl could look as cute as Ari does in her basketball shorts and some type of baggy shirt. I don't know why she dresses like she does. When I made the mistake of asking her why she dresses like a boy, when we first met. She read me my rights and put me in my place. She informed me she doesn't dress like anyone but herself and that she doesn't need to have a penis to dress comfortably.

We normally meet up around 4:30 everyday but for some reason Ari wanted to come early. I'm kind of happy she did ask to meet early because there's something I've been meaning to tell her. So here I am waiting but she doesn't keep me waiting for long. She steps out of the tree line looking amazing as always. Her spiral brown curls bouncing off her shoulders from her ponytail. She looks over at me and with my wolf's eyes I can see her hazel green eyes light up when she sees me. Her sun kissed brown skin glows in the sunshine. It amazes me how she can take my breath away and not even know it.

"Hey, big fella" she calls out "Happy Birthday" she gently rubs my head, around my face and scratches behind my ears. That move makes I eyes roll to the back of my head every time. I lick her face as payment and quickly run off so she doesn't get the chance to retaliate. I hear her running behind me, laughing. I'm not running full speed; I want her to catch me. I always do. "Well, I guess you don't want your present?" She yells out.

That makes me stop in my tracks. I was too busy looking at her face I didn't notice she was carrying anything. I slowly turned back towards her with my tail between my legs and my ears down. I hope I look innocent enough. I'm going for the sad puppy dog look. When I get close enough, I rub my nose against her. In return she swatted it away then used the same hand to throw her thumb over her shoulder to indication wanted me to go change. I comply and head over to a near bush where I have a change of clothes stashed. I called upon the change quickly returning to my human form then ran back over to her. She pats the log next to her, where she was sitting down, indicating she wants me to sit down beside her. When I do, she pulls around a white box and gestures for me to open it. I was taken by surprise. In the box was a belt buckle, not a regular belt buckle but the nice big ones that cowboys wear. It was engraved with a picture of my Wolf, looking over the mountain top with the forest in the background. The detail was breathtaking. It looks so much like my wolf. He purred inside my head.

"How? How did you do this?"

"I paid someone.... duh" she says while she laughs at me. "I drew it.... obviously. Sent the drawing off and they were about to recreate it perfectly."

I'm filled with so many emotions. I don't know if it's my wolf being so close to her, the gift or the news I need to tell her that has me all over the place.

"I'm glad you like it" she tells me. This close I can't help but breathe in her scent. The only way I can describe it is like walking into a bakery with warm cakes and cookies. It's enough to make someone lick the air to try to taste it.

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