Chapter 9 Ari

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I felt like I just went to sleep, but suddenly I'm jolted awake. I feel an indescribable pain in my chest. I can hear my wolf howling in the back of my head, she's going crazy. I look around my room, and I see I'm by myself. I'm trying to catch my bearings so I can figure out what's going on with me.

"Hello." I called out to my wolf. I hear her let out another painful howl, she sounds like she's in pain. "What's wrong? What's going on with me?"

"It's not you, it's Adam. He's in trouble. I feel his wolf's pain. He's calling out to me."

"Adam is in trouble? What's going on? Is he hurt? What can we do to help him?

"We cannot help him. It is already done. Besides you're not even ready to help yourself let alone anyone else."

"Then what am I supposed to do? I can't sit here and do nothing, while my best friend is in danger." I stand up to make my way to my parents' room. When another round of pain drops me to my knees, it makes me feel nauseous. I didn't realize but I must have called out for help. My father quickly picks me up and brings me into his room. Suddenly I'm surrounded by my mom and my brothers. We all pile onto the king size bed, my dad still has me in his arms.

"What happened sweetheart? Are you hurting?" My dad asks

"I woke up in pain. My wolf told me Adam was in trouble. She said his wolf was reaching out to her."

"That's not possible." My mother says from besides me. "Only mated couples or pack members can communicate like that." I hear her quick intake of breath. She looking at me in shock. She starts looking over my neck and shoulders, moving my hair out of the way.

"Where is it? I can't believe this Ari you haven't even turned 16 yet." She screams. I feel my dad stiffen.

"I'm going to kill him." My dad barks out.

"Wait! What's going on, I'm confused." I ask

"You mated with Adam. That's how your wolf is able to communicate with his." My mom accused

"I didn't, I haven't mated with anyone. I just had my first kiss yesterday, mom. I promise I haven't been with anyone. I'm a virgin."

"I'm not comfortable with this conversation." I hear Tyler mumble

"Yeah, me neither." Terrence adds

I just see Treyce laughing, shaking his head to himself. I notice my mom and dad are having a silent conversation, I know it's about me. I can't believe they thought I had sex already. I know the boys all lost their v- cards to random at school but that didn't mean I wanted to do the same. I still wanted to wait until after my mating ceremony to lose myself with my mate. I wanted my first time to be special not rushed somewhere in the woods or in an empty room at the school. I shake away those thoughts to focus on what's more important, Adam!

This subject has briefly taken my mind off the pain but I still have a dull ache in my chest.

"Adam is in trouble we need to go save him." I yell out

"Save him from who, his father?" My dad asks me. "What do you expect us to do, go over to their territory and demand they let us take their future Alpha away? I'm sorry Ari but there's nothing we can do."

"We have to do something. He has to be hurt for his wolf to reach out to mine in that way."

"Can you reach out to him now? Maybe you can see if he's, ok?" Tyler asks

"I don't know how. I didn't really do anything; it was my wolf."

"Try to imagine a connection between you two, like a telephone cord connecting you to each other." Treyce adds

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