Chapter 6 Ari

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Photo of Ari's parents

Trigger warning: physical abuse and murder

"On the day of my mating ceremony I met your father. I ran off with him moments before my mating ceremony with Alpha Blackwood was supposed to start. I knew Alpha Blackwood's father wouldn't see reason. He was a cruel Alpha. He would make Adam's dad look like a Saint. He wouldn't have cared if he was my mate or not."

"I was walking in the woods. I was so nervous about the ceremony. I truly felt like I was too young to go through with it and my life was ending before it even got started. I literally just turned 18 the previous month and we were having a mating ceremony on the following full moon. It felt so rushed. Aaron, that's Alpha Blackwood's first name, and I dated for a long time. I was informed around my 15th birthday that Aaron decided he wanted me as his intended. We never really spoke before, so I was really surprised by the request. Well, I really shouldn't say it was a request, it was more like a command."

"At first I didn't take it serious. I still had friends, some that were guys but they quickly got the memo I was off limits. No male was supposed to talk to me and shortly after everyone started to avoid me."

I notice a pained expression that came across my mother's face. The quick intake of her breath let me know I needed to get emotionally prepared for whatever she was about to be said next.

"I still remember the beating Jeremy got."

She's trying to compose herself but it's not working. The emotional wounds she is feeling are still fresh, like it happened yesterday. I can tell it pains her to relive this moment in her life. I almost want to tell her to drop it, and let's not talk about it.

"He was an Alpha in his own right, even though his parents were of low rank. I knew Aaron already didn't like him because he was competition and he didn't follow behind him blindly like a lot of the other boys did. He would've made an excellent Beta one day; strong, fast, and trustworthy. Heck, like I said he could've been an Alpha if he felt like challenging someone when he got older. He just lacked the cruelty that was required to survive in my pack or the ability to turn his back on wrong doing."

"One day we were seen holding hands, while walking in the forest." She smiled over at me. "He gave me my first kiss." She giggled towards my dad. "We liked each other. Nothing serious, we were just young kids. He was the only one that continued his friendship with me, after Aaron tried to isolate me. We grew up together and I was thankful I wasn't by myself. The next day the Alpha called a meeting. Asked everyone to meet in front of the pack house. When the front of the pack house came into view, I saw someone was attached to the whipping post. They had him stripped him down to nothing. They beat Jeremy until he passed out. His parents weren't able to help him. The healer couldn't come to his aid. I had to sit there until nightfall and watch him. I couldn't help him either. I couldn't console him, give him water or tend to his wounds. It was my punishment for be an attention hungry whore."

"Later that night Aaron and some of the older boys came and released him and dragged him over to the shed. I thought the worst was over but apparently the night was still young"

"His screams keep me company at night. Almost 20 years later and they're still just as painful as they were that night."

"I remember beating on the door, screaming trying to get in. I don't know what I would have done if they did open the door, but I would've done something... anything. I screamed right along with him throughout the night, until apparently, I passed out. Someone brought me home because I woke up inside my bed."

"The next day I searched for him. I couldn't find him or his family anywhere. I just wanted to apologize. Once word got back that I was looking for them, my parents beat me. I was surprised by their actions. Because even though they were strict, they never beat me before. They were upset I was making them look bad and they refuse to let me do to them what I did to Jeremy and his family."

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