Chapter 7 Ari

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"First thing in the morning I'm going to call the council. We need to inform them immediately so we can establish a plan. Once word gets out about you." Alpha Noah trails off

"You might be in danger." Nathan finishes for him.

"Why would I be in danger? Why does anything have to change?"

Alpha Noah is the one who decides to reply. "Because just you being, is a major game changer. Once you master all your powers you will be able to manipulate water, earth, GRAVITY! You will be able to heal yourself and others. You will have all the Moon based powers at your fingertips. Even your mate will get an increase in their powers." He finally stops and takes in my face. I think he's finally realizing this is all overwhelming me and I'm not as excited as he thinks I should be.

"Oh Ari, I'm sorry sweetheart. I know it's a lot to take in but we have to get ahead of this. As long as you have lunar magic flowing through your veins the people who are against the goddess and her ways will also be against you as well. We have to be prepared for what may happen next."

My father turns to face me. "Everything is going to work itself out. We're going to be with you every step of the way. You're safe here sweetheart." My father adds while both him and my mom grab my hands on top of the table.

"For one thing, she needs to stop going on those little field trips to Clearwater. She's been hanging out with Adam in some damn tree" Nathan sneers

"What are you talking about?" My dad asks.

I turn around to stand up, to get in Nathan's face. I thought it would be perfect since he was sitting down, I could finally talk down to his self-centered butt. But the jerk takes the opportunity away from me, and stands up too. This is right up his alley. He has always loved confrontations with me, but I got better over the years avoiding them. I've always felt like he gets some sick thrill at my frustrations.

My mom used to say, 'redheads just have too much fiery passion inside them. That's why it constantly overflowing in their personality and onto their hair.' Nathan has always had that fiery personality, even when we were younger. So much so I would be afraid to reach out and touch him, afraid I might get burned. With him standing up tall, letting me know he's not backing down. It looks like he's grown even more, he just turned 19 a few months ago and looks well over 6'3. His red hair, if possible, looks like it has gotten brighter.

Alot has happened today, so I know I'm not on my game. I'm allowing him to walk me straight into his trap. I'm so upset with everything, that I don't even care. "This has nothing to do with you." I poke his chest. "Why don't you go mind your business, somewhere else." I point towards the door. "Don't you have some girl to go hang out with? What is it...? Since Amanda is off the market you got some free time on your hands to harass me?" I yell.

He has the nerve to smirk at me. If I could reach his face, I would've slapped him. "Don't you worry your innocent little mind on me and my hands." He gives me a pointed look, with spirit fingers. "Number 1 you're my mate. Number 2 you're a part of my pack, one I will be taking over some day. Number 3 you're just a kid. The little bit of business you do got, belongs to me as well."

"The heck it does. You're are a kid just like me! You don't get to boss me around. You're not my Alpha yet." I stop and look around the table. "I think I'm done with his conversation. I'm going to bed." I don't wait for permission, I push past Nathan and run up the stairs to my bedroom. I quickly shut and lock the door. I run over to my bed and quickly reach under my pillow to find my 2-way radio, so I can attempt to contact Adam. After a few moments I'm about to give up hope. Finally, he answers....

"Hello beautiful."

I've never been more excited to hear his voice. At this moment, I forgot about the hurt of him being Amanda's intended. I was filled with relief to hear my best friend's voice.

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