Chapter 5 Ari

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What the heck is going on? Nathan and Adam are my mates?


How is that possible?

The moon goddess deems it so.

But why?

You question the moon goddess?

You heard me ask the question didn't you?

Grrrrr Fine. You will be extremely powerful. You will need strong mates to ground you and protect you.

If you're such a powerful wolf spirit why do I need a mate or mates to protect me?

Even though I am powerful. I am not invincible. Besides you still have to learn how to control your powers. You're no where close to taking on an army.

I'm brought out of my conversation with my wolf by growling. I see my brothers holding back Nathan while Adam's friends and brother do the same with him.

I see the crowd part for Adam's dad to come through. I would think he was going to check on Adam but his attention is solely on me. He makes his way towards me and my wolf is already on alert. He doesn't kneel because apparently my wolf is pretty tall. Even though he stands at roughly around 6'2 my wolf comes midway up his chest. I'm able to easily make eye contact just by lifting my neck.

"My goddess, I've heard the prophecies of the golden Wolf but I never imagined I would be alive to see one in person. The last one died over 200 years ago and the Shifter world hasn't been the same since." You could hear gasps throughout the crowd. He reaches out to rub me. Quickly both my mate's roars cut through the air, stopping his movement. After he stares down at my mates in surprise he says "My apologies. I was just caught up in the moment. It's not everyday you come across a golden wolf. I was simply overwhelmed by your presence."

"What do you mean she's a golden wolf? You said the last one died years ago? I don't understand what's going on, dad" Adam asked his father.

"Isn't it obvious son? Her fur is golden, henceforth she's a golden wolf. The last of her kind died 200 years ago, like I said."

Just then I see my parents and my Alpha, Alpha Noah, with his wife, Luna Susan, burst through the crowd. My mom in tears wraps her arms around me. My dad not far behind hugs me as well. I can feel my mom tears soaking into my fur when I hear her whisper "I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you. I didn't sense your shift was so close. I'm so sorry baby girl. I can't believe you went through that by yourself." I want so badly to shift back to tell my mom every thing is ok but I realize I shredded my dress when I shifted. I'm no where near close to being ok with being naked around other people. I know it will come in time, but not today. My dad must have caught on to what I was wanting because he pulled back and shortly after opened up a robe to wrap around me.

Maybe it was all the whimpering my wolf was doing.

He looks me in the eyes and asked me "Do you think you can shift back for me? Do you remember what we talked about before? Just imagine your body and your wolf spirit will do the rest." I shake my head and quickly start imaging myself in my head.

OMG the popping and snapping of my bones has me wanting to make this my first and last shift. I can't believe I was in a hurry to experience this.

It will get better.

But can you make it better now?

I can always make it worse.

Is that what I asked you?

It will get better each time you shift. Each time it will come faster and less painful. Trust me.

I'm supposed to trust you...we just met.

Ari's Reverse HarlemWhere stories live. Discover now