Chapter 10 Ari

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"Does anyone want the rest of these waffles?" Terrence asks

No one answers him. So, he proceeds to gather the remaining waffles onto his plate and digs in. My mind is still spinning with the Nathan situation. He finally makes his way up the stairs and slams his door. Everyone makes their way back to their seats. The boys start back eating, I start picking at my food again. I notice eyes keep cutting back and forth across the table. I basically had a conversation about my nonexistent sex life and they act like they can't have a conversation regarding me out loud.

It's not like I want to talk anyways. I'm still upset Nathan was with Jessica. I'm even more upset with myself. Why am I allowing myself to get upset over him and Jessica? I've never cared about him or his cum buckets before. It has to be this dang mating bond that's causing me to have these feelings for him. I don't like it; I have to figure a way out of this mating bond with him. I look over to my Alpha and Luna. They're still having a silent conversation with my parents. I do a fake cough to get their attention. "How do I break a mating bond?" I ask my Alpha

"Ari, a lot has happened today. I don't think we should make any irrational decisions right now. We all have a lot of things to process. Let's take our time and not make rushed decisions. In 4-5 years, we might not feel this same way. Alot can change over that amount of time." I see the Alpha is trying to save his son's butt. I turn and look at my father, raise my eyebrow.

"All you have to say is I, your full name, title, if you have one and your pack's name. Then you say I reject you; you say his full name, title and pack name. Finally, he accepts by repeating the same thing." My dad finishes.

"Tobias." Alpha Noah calls out

"What? I'm sorry, did you just miss your son escorting a young lady out of here? The one he just got done having sex with...because I didn't." My dad barks out

"They're kids and they make mistakes."

"That's rich coming from you, he's your son. Wonder if you would feel the same way if Ari, was your daughter."

"You know I view your kids as mine. I've always treated them as such. Ari is like a daughter to us."

My dad just shrugs his shoulders. "Sorry, I support her decision. He can make mistakes with someone else's child."

Alpha Noah and my father are having a stare off. I don't want this situation to escalate into show dominance. Just then Alpha Noah's cell phone goes off. He shakes his head before ending the stare off with my father to answer the phone. "Hello...yes this is Alpha Noah. No, it's fine, we were still up...Yes, I'm sure. I saw her myself along with a lot of other people... We need to get on top of this before word spreads. It's only a matter of I said, there was a big crowd around when she shifted...ok...we will be looking forward to it...thank you sir...goodnight." Alpha Noah finishes with his telephone conversation, he places his phone on the table then looks over at me.

"So that was a representative for the council. They're sending someone as we speak. They should be here first thing in the morning to confirm you are truly a golden wolf. Once confirmed they will report back to the council. To my knowledge once the council gets their confirmation they will come and bring their archives as well. Hopefully we can review them and figure out where to go from here."

"I thought you were calling tomorrow?" I asked Alpha Noah

He gives me a sad look. "I'm sorry Ari, I couldn't wait on this. I needed to get the ball rolling. "

"I'll make sure the spare rooms are ready in the packhouse." My father states. Then grabs my hand. "We're doing this together sweetheart, you are not alone." I tried to give him a believable smile but I don't think I pulled it off. Everyone starts to clean up and clear off the table. We decided we should go ahead and try to get some rest. Looks like we have a busy day tomorrow.

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