Chapter 13 ARI

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When I make my way outside, I'm immediately greeted by people from my pack. Everyone is wishing me a happy birthday and safe travels. I try my best not to show that I'm upset.

It doesn't take long for the party to get into full swing. I'm obsessed with these hanging lights, the guys hung up, all over the back yard. I see a huge "Happy Sweet 16" banner hanging against the house. I find myself more concerned with the decorations, rather than mingling with guest. My heart just wasn't in it. I knew the one person I wanted to see the most, wasn't going to show up.

I should've been paying more attention to my surroundings. Maybe then I would've seen Nathan, before I felt him, press up against my back. I started to push away but he circles his arms around me. Before I can react, he's picking me up, flipping me so my stomach is resting on his shoulders.

"Put me down Nathan." I spit


"Nathan, where are you taking me?" I see he's carrying me into the woods behind my house. "Seriously put me down, before I put you on your butt again." I yell! He has the nerve to chuckle.

"I'm not going to lie that was kinda hot. But no, I can't put you down. We need to talk; you've been avoiding me for days. I'm over it, you're leaving tonight and I can't come with you. It's killing me to know you'll be thousands of miles away from me." He finally stops, he places me down caging me in between his arms, my back pressed against a tree. He leans so close our noses almost touch. "You don't even seem effected, knowing you won't see me. My wolf has been going crazy."

"When your mate cheats on you, making you feel like you're literally about to die! Not caring about being around them is a natural reaction."

"Ari, I apologize. I wasn't thinking and I was jealous. I thought since we haven't mated yet, you wouldn't feel anything."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I ask

"I wish I knew what to say, but I don't. I know I didn't handle the situation well. I thought if I let off some stream, like I normally do, everything would be ok. I could talk with you with a clear head the next day, but it never happened." He pauses in thought. "I couldn't even enjoy it Ari. I was thinking of you the whole time. You ruined me, and now you don't even want me." Nathan finishes

"What do you want from me Nathan? We've spent majority of our lives disliking each. Now all the sudden, since we're mates, we're supposed to move past that?"

"Yes, exactly. I'm glad you're finally catching on." The look he gives me, makes me feel like he's won the lottery. It's hard to stay mad when he's giving you his mysteriously dangerous smile. His emerald orbs shining bright with mischief.

Only thing I could do is shake my head, in hopes to break free of his spell "Seriously, Nathan?"

He shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah, I knew you weren't going to make this easy on me." He takes a deep breath. "Ari, you got to understand I was nervous too. I'm used to having certain needs met on a regular basis." He pauses, throwing his hands up in surrender, when he notices my deadpan expression. "I'm trying to say...maybe I was also trying to have one last hurrah before my certain dry spell."

"What does that mean Nathan?"

"It means, I know you're young, you're a virgin and you're the most stubborn person I've ever met. I also knew, even before I got my wolf, you were meant to be mine." He reaches out, caressing my cheek, dragging his hand slowly down my neck. "I have a track record of not handling situations well, when it comes to you." He places his forehead against mine. "I wanted to stay away from you, as long as possible. Not because I didn't want you, but because I wanted to keep you pure. Not just in the sexual aspect but spiritual as well. I'm a selfish, self-centered fuck, Ari. You can ask anyone, they will tell you, I'm an asshole. I wanted to become a better person before we became mates. I thought I had a few more years before you got your wolf. I should've known you would be difficult." We both laugh.

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