Chapter 16 Ari

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Once inside my room, I'm reminded I didn't open up my gifts from the party. In the center of the entryway is a huge circular table, covered with all my gifts. Majority of them are birthday cards, I'm hoping are filled with money.

I decide I needed to take a long hot shower first, before I start digging into my gifts. I look down at my body, I swear I look like I'm an extra in a horror film. Based on my bloody, dirty, shredded shirt alone, it looks like I lost a battle with Freddy Krueger.

I honestly never want to leave this shower. It has multiple water heads, that are doing dangerous things to my aching body. I was planning on staying in, until the water got cold but I guess they have an endless supply of hot water. Reluctantly, I drag myself out of the shower. On my way to the bedroom, a mirror catches my eye. I glanced down at my abdomen, where my wounds once were. I'm happy my stomach has completely healed. But I'm afraid the memories of what Tammy did might last a lot longer. I have to snap out of this! I can't dwell on an injury, when I'm about to train and fight in real battles. Against people who are going try to do a lot worse. I pull up a chair and start digging into the gifts. Suddenly I hear a commotion outside my door. I barely hear my brother's voices, yelling from the other side. I quickly make my way over and open the door. When I do, I see my brothers being restrained by the guards. "What now?" I think to myself.

"What's going on?" I yell out

"We're here to come see you but these assholes won't let us in." Tyler growls out

"Why won't you let my brothers visit me? I'm not a prisoner here." I stated

One of the guards reply "No one said you were a prisoner. The King order for you not to be disturbed. Your brothers didn't address themselves as such. They simply attempted to walk inside the room without properly announcing themselves." The guard finishes

I couldn't argue with him on that. That sounds exactly what my brothers would do. "King Leon order for Prince Lorenzo to not disturb me today, not my brothers. Please let them go, I would enjoy their company."

I thanked the guards and turned to walk back into my room. I hear my brothers mumble something to the guards but I didn't catch it. It was probably something rude anyways.

They followed me back inside. Each grabbing some type of seat and gathering around the table, where I'm sitting. I start going through my gifts, as expected all the cards were filled with money.

"Are you going to take us out on the town with all that money?" Tyler asks

"Nope" I reply

"Really? Why not? We deserve a nice date." Treyce adds

I can't help but laugh. "Yall can't be serious. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of girls, ya'll led on, who thought they deserved a date or two as well."

"There was no need to, when the girls didn't require it." Terrence says with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I'm saving all my date ideas for my mate." Treyce stated, while digging through some of my gifts.

"What about you?" I ask Tyler "What's your reason for not taking anyone on a date?"

He leans back in his chair. He actually looks deep in thought. "Honestly, it's a mixture of what Terrence and Treyce said. There wasn't a reason to treat any of the girls we slept with special. I've had my wolf for a while and I knew they weren't my mate. So why give them mate quality treatment. I know it sounds bad but I never sold them any false hope for anything more. They knew I only wanted one thing and a relationship wasn't it." Tyler finishes

"Do yall ever regret sleeping with so many people?" I ask them all

"Shit!!! If I knew we were going to have serious conversations, I would have let the guards take me back to my room." Terrence says while throwing his head back with a groan. We all laugh.

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