Chapter 18 Ari

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We stayed in that position, holding each other, while we explored each other's mouths. Too soon, he was picking me up, carrying me to my shower. After cutting it on, he steps inside, while, still holding me. He repositions the shower head to spray towards the shower seat. Once seated, he starts rubbing soap all over my body. He spends extra time on my breast. I felt his cock awaken when he started massaging my ass.

Once I was fully covered in soap, he grabs the shampoo and attempts to wash through my curls. I give him credit for attempting. I took over washing my hair, even though I truly enjoyed the scalp massage he was giving me. My new position caused my breast to brush against his face and of course he took this as an invitation.

His mouth quickly descended on my breast, while he squeezed my ass. He began to grind me, against his hardening erection. His tongue traveled across my body, setting me on fire. I reached between us, grabbing his thick cock in both hands. I began to stroke him, finding quickly the speed he desires. I feel this glorious new feeling, starting to build up, between my legs again. "Cum for me, Princess." He moans in my ear and just like that, with one slap on the ass and squeeze later. My release hits me and I call out to him. "I can't wait to nut inside you." He mumbles against my lips, before he too finds his release.

I didn't pay attention to how long we stayed there. Our bodies wrapped around each other, passionately kissing.

"We need to get out soon. So, you can get some rest." He gently says against my ear. He gives the side of my face a peck. I allow myself to get off of him, so he could grab us both a towel. He wraps one around my body first, then proceeds to wrap one around his waist. The sight of this Greek god, glistening from the shower water, was enough to make me want round three. He must have realized where my thoughts went because he gave me a sexy chuckle, while he picking me up, carrying me to bed. Once he laid me down, he gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Can I sleep with you tonight? Just sleep, you need to rest. I'm not going to take it easy on you during training." I quickly nod my head and lift up the bed sheets, for him to join me. We've been up for almost 24 hours straight. So, it didn't take long for sleep to consume me.

2 years later

Ever since that first night, Lorenzo has slept in my bed. Besides on the days, when my parents or Nathan comes to visit me. Nathan freaked when he caught Lorenzo's scent in my sheets. I informed him that Lorenzo is my mate too. The only thing that pacified him was knowing we haven't had sex yet. I didn't disclose we did everything else but have sex.

It didn't take long before Nathan was traveling seven hours, a few times a month, to be with me. He said his wolf demanded it, so I obliged. It was cute, seeing him act like a love sick puppy. My parents told me he's been a mess, since I've been gone. He has gotten a lot better since our frequent visits.

He's currently on one now. I look behind me and see him spread out over my bed. He's probably worn out, from all that work his tongue was doing last night. The thought of his tongue massaging my folds, cause my pussy lips to clench.

The King gave him his own room, for when he stays here but it's more for storing his luggage. Looking out over the land, from my room in the palace, never gets old. My room overlooks the landscape perfectly, it's just breath taking. The beautiful flower gardens strategically placed around the compound, the beautiful sculptures surrounding the pond, the gorgeous green grass, that seems to go on for days. Everything is picture perfect here, it almost makes me feel like never leaving. Days like this I feel bad, all I want to do is stay locked away here and forget all about the troubles awaiting us, outside the gates.

A text message came through Nathan's phone waking me up this morning. I was able to see on the display screen, it was a text, reminding him of Amanda and Adam's mating ceremony this weekend. It's my birthday weekend. I try to tell myself they didn't do that intentionally. I haven't been able to go back to sleep since. A part of me wants to go back, to see it with my own eyes. Maybe then I will get the closure I need. Maybe we can do the rejection, so I can finally move on. I don't know why, I'm still hung up on Adam, when I have two mates who worship me.

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